
  1. U

    mareks or vitamin deficiency?

    I have a hen who is about 9ish months old. First she had coccidiosis, all chickens was treated with corid. Right after that she had a impacted crop which I did take her to the vet for and she was given metoclopramide 5 ml. While still dealing with the crop issue I took her back to the vet 2...
  2. katie_94

    Adult quail somewhat paralyzed except for head

    Disclosure: first time taking care of quails Hi again. Yesterday night I went into the adult quail enclosure to collect eggs and I noticed one adult female on her side near the water cups. I picked her up with no resistance from her so I knew something was wrong. Today, her wing she was laying...
  3. Goosebaby

    Kinky Back treatable? What’s your expierience?

    I have a gander with a limp that’s progressed into lameness, though not full paralysis, he could still feel and move his legs but couldn’t stand or balance. He was treated with Cipro and Amoxicillin for two weeks and recovered his ability to stand. Two weeks after finishing the Cipro and a week...
  4. WolfLady

    Hen with paralyzed tail? It that possible?

    Hi! I have a hen that always has droopy tail. At first, I thought she was sick, but it's been 2 months already and she's acting normal. I did notice she was pecked (or she pecked herself?) the base of her tail to blood a month ago, but nothing concerning and it healed well by its own. I decided...
  5. ErnieBerley

    Ayam cemani rooster 9 mo paralyzed...

    I woke up one morning and my Ayam cemani rooster (9 months old) named Ayam, was stumbling and his comb which is usually jet black was pale. So, the vet thinks it's Marek's, but this is the 6th day and he still has spunk (he's a very strong guy), eats well (on his belly), drinks (when I hold the...
  6. momofjandj

    Balanced feed?

    I recently had a rooster become paralyzed. I read and read and treated him for a vitamin deficiency. In a couple days I saw improvement. It's been about 2 weeks and he appears to have recovered. I've seen quite a few posts of paralyzed birds and vitamins suggested. It make's me wonder why...
  7. Q

    Rooster won't stretch his leg. What to do?

    Hi, I'm writing here in hopes to get some help from the great people here! Starting from the beginning, this rooster had a really bad case of mites that we somehow missed for quite sometime. When we realized there was a problem, he was already limping pretty badly but was still standing up...
  8. SarahHalliday

    Paralysed chicken - to bathe or not to bathe

    Hello all! First I must say that I’ve been using backyard chickens for YEARS but this is my first time posting. Such a helpful forum, I’m so appreciative of all of you. A few days ago, I noticed that my polish girl was struggling to walk, kinda flopping around the garden. When she was a...
  9. C


    Hello, I am hoping some can please help me. I have a female Pekin that has been having a really bad day. She can't seem to walk her left leg seems paralyzed. It does not seem like there is an injury or wound. when she tries to move she uses her wings and her leg kind of just gets dragged along...
  10. ChickenHour

    Help! My chicken is paralyzed!

    My chicken is having trouble with walking and often just falls over. She raises her tail in the air and is not eating much, as she is lighter than usual, we checked her to see if she was egg-bound but couldn’t find anything. I’m so worried about my little favorelle! Can anyone help? She isn’t...
  11. AnotherCrazyChickenLady

    Paralyzed chicken cured

    One morning my pet bantam girl Tink was dragging her wing but I did not see any injury. On day two she was having difficulty walking and by day three she could not walk and had use of one wing. She was eating and drinking with no issues other than she appeared to be paralyzed. I brought her...
  12. 5


    My 12 week old Delaware Heritage isn’t doing well.... Three days ago I notice her laying near the feeder in the corner of the outdoor run. This is an unusual spot for her to lie. She then tried to get up and couldn’t. It seemed to be that she couldn’t move one of her legs. I assumed she...
  13. ERnoleGuy

    Medical PA playing Chicken Vet... please help.

    So I am a medical PA and I treat patients all day every day in emergency medicine, however I need some help with my most recent patient. I usually write in SBAR format so here goes. I'll try to keep it simple. Situation: I have a "sick" pullet/hen. About 5 months old. Auracans Mix. She started...
  14. K

    My duckling looks paralyzed

    This happened twice already. I have 4 indian runners that are 2 weeks old and the male had curled his neck all the way back and doesn’t move so when I hold him he’s limp in my hand and it looks like his eyelids are closed . Happened last week and happened today out of normal no activity. He’ll...
  15. K

    Sick Chicken - Seems to be paralyzed

    About 6 weeks ago, our relatively young Crested Cream Legbar (old enough for the coop but not laying yet) looked like she had an injured wing. She was dragging it on the ground and didn't seem to be able to move it. We tried wrapping it, but she kept managing to get it undone. About a week...
  16. MillersFarm

    Duckling paralyzed on one side

    So I got a text from someone who I sold ducklings to, She's having a problem with one of them, She says the one of her ducklings has no use of it's left side, He eats and drinks when they feed him, They aren't sure what to do for the duckling and they're a busy family that aren't home enough to...
  17. J

    Sick Chicken...Seeking Advice!

    I recently acquired 3 lovely 12-15 week old hens to add to my backyard flock, and while in quarantine 1 of them has become ill. When they first arrived I gave them some water with apple cider vinegar to help combat the stress of travel, but within a couple of days "sick chick's" condition became...
  18. KatyBishop

    Hen - leg paralysis? Please help

    3 days ago my 2.5 year old hen was found laying on the ground unable to move her legs. This was very sudden and showed no symptoms of any disease or physical injury, and will not respond to touching or moving of her legs. She would try to move by pulling herself with her wings, she also will...
  19. R

    Pet Quail suddenly paralyzed in her legs

    I bought 2 female quails as pets roughly 2 months ago. It's currently winter here in Australia. She's been laying eggs on daily bases even though it's winter. The temperature outside at it's lowest at night is 6-8 degrees Celsius. She lives outside in a rabbit cage with 1 other female quail...
  20. suntonova

    Chicken with weak/paralyzed leg

    I have a Japanese bantam hen, around 6 months old. Koko suddenly started limping on one leg about a week ago. She was totally fine one day, then apparently paralyzed in her left leg the next. She's not walking on the leg at all and the foot is curled under. I'm not totally sure it's paralyzed...
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