

In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2018
Hello, I am hoping some can please help me.
I have a female Pekin that has been having a really bad day. She can't seem to walk her left leg seems paralyzed. It does not seem like there is an injury or wound. when she tries to move she uses her wings and her leg kind of just gets dragged along. When she moved she only moves a couple inches doesn't go far.
She seems weak if her head falls forward she kind of leaves it and if she moved and her wings spread she also leaves them too. She doesn't seem to make much effort to move. She is drinking water only if it's right in front of her so she doesn't need to move.View attachment 1701734 I tried giving her their feed, offered lettuce, dried meal worms she wouldn't take anything.
A little more info.
She had been inside for a while now going back outside for three separate days. She had become the males' favourite and was getting roughed up so I brought her inside with another female duck to give her a break.
After about 4 days inside she seems better so I took her back out with everyone else. They immediately went after her so I brought her back inside. She was inside with the other duck for two weeks and now that it had warmed up I took them out to swim and get some sun.
She seemed great, healthy and happy . That was this sunday. She went out to join everyone that night.
Monday she looked a little beat up the back of her neck was red and her feathers had been damaged but I left her hoping they wouldn't be quite as rough with her anymore.
Tuesday she looked worse. She was bruised on her head/neck and the feathers on her back and wings had been damaged more so I brought her back in that evening. She ate that night with everyone else before I brought her in. She seemed fine Wednesday I checked in on the two and they usually don't move around too much and they didn't have a chance to go out yesterday but they seemed okay. I do not know if she ate yesterday but they weren't drinking as much water as usual.
Today I checked in on them and she just looked so sad. She had the "bubbly" eye thing covering one of her eyes completely and a little bit on the other so I brought them out to swim because their inside water isn't deep enough to dunk their heads but she didn't seem interested. I poured some water over her head and she shook it off and came back under for more. That helped get rid of the bubbly stuff but it keeps coming back.
I had not noticed her leg right away when they came out I did notice she didn't want to move much especially her neck I thought she was maybe just really sore from getting beat up by the males. After a little while I noticed she moved and just kind of fell over when she tried to move and that's when I saw that she wasn't moving her leg.
They were out for a couple of hours and I tried taking them both back in hoping some rest inside would help but when i put her back the dog kennel I use she just layed there wings and legs out. I went out to get the other duck hoping she would readjust herself but she didn't. I took her back out because the other duck was just walking over her . She is currently outside. I tucked her leg underneath her and she is just sitting there. I have no idea what to do for her. I cannot afford to take her to a vet. I'm sorry for the long explination. I am completely lost here. Does anyone have any idea what it might be? What can I do to help her? Could it be contagious? Can I bring her back inside with the other duck?
I tried uploading some pictures where you can see her bubbly eye and bruised neck. View attachment 1701761
Thank you
I'm no expert but I'd say she's been over mated really bad! If she was my duck she wouldn't be with the others until she's healed. Go to Tractor Supply and get her some B-complex!
Some questions for you...
  1. Has she been laying?
  2. Have you checked her for lice and mites?
  3. How much does she weigh?
  4. Is she eating? Never mind, I see you said she is not eating.
  5. How long has she had eye bubbles?
  6. Any nasal discharge or respiratory sounds?
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Some questions for you...
  1. Has she been laying?
  2. Have you checked her for lice and mites?
  3. How much does she weigh?
  4. Is she eating?
  5. How long has she had eye bubbles?
  6. Any nasal discharge or respiratory sounds?
She has not laid in about 4 days but I'm not sure if she was the one laying. She was inside with another female. So I'm not sure who was laying. She seems to weigh the same I think she only feels lighter because she doesn't have much fight in her she usually doesn't like it when I pick her up. She has not eaten or I have not seen her eat today I don't know if she ate yesterday I know she ate Monday. She had I bubbles when I brought her in about three weeks ago. They seemed to clear up right away after she was inside and at that point there were no respiratory differences that I could tell.she had the eye bubbles again on Tuesday when I brought her in but not very much I cleaned her up and brought her in with the other female they have water and food available to them all the time I know that they have not been drinking as much because I haven't needed to refill it as much and I'm not sure how much she ate because I can't tell who is eating but I know I have not seen her eat today she drinks water very slowly like I said I just I thought she was just really sore. There is no nasal discharge but I could hear her breathing earlier she was just breathing loud it didn't sound like she was having trouble breathing or that it was raspy or whistling. I will check for lice and mites I checked the chickens today that the rest of the ducks are housed with and I didn't notice any on them I was worried that they might have buy lice or mites because they seem to be losing a lot of feathers.
Do you think it would be okay to take her inside with the other female? Any ideas about her leg? she seems to be walking around fine on Tuesday when she was outside with the rest of them. they don't move around much in the dog kennel it's large but they mostly lay down walk around a little bit.

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