Can you buy chicken wire of some kind of fencing and have the drakes on one side your female ducks and chickens on the other and put it high so the chickens can't fly over to the boys side. Yes the drakes will probably go after the chickens once the female ducks are removed. It's sad when we have to many drakes but some on here have worked out a way to keep their drake or drakes from over mating. two I can think of right off @DuckyDonna has tagged. Keep trying to find home for them. What breeds? If you free range you can have a schedule the boys free range one day the girls the next until you have you ratio where it should be.
I do have two other females out with the drakes and was going to bring them inside as well.
May I suggest you get baseline weights on them? Then re-weigh every one to two weeks.
The other girl who was inside seems good this morning should I wait a day or so before moving the others in to make sure she too isn't sick in case it wasnt just from the mating?
I don't think it matters. If it was something contagious I think all of them have been exposed.
I have been trying to get rid of some of the drakes for about a month now but no luck.
I have the same problem here.
If I move the other females out do you think they will then try to go after the chickens?
Try it, just keep an eye on them.
Besides separating them what else can be done to keep them from mating too much?
Not much really.

Again, sorry for your loss.:hugs
I'm also currently dealing with a lethargic duck due to malnutrition. She's very weak and underweight, and her eyes look a little sunken in from dehydration. The larger breeds push her away and eat everything, and this isn't the first time this has happened to a few of my smaller female Welsh Harlequins.

I brought her in and gave her a straight shot of Nutri-Drench, and she immediately started eating and drinking. I also mixed some in her water along with some Rooster Booster vitamins and electrolytes with a probiotic.

This regimen works almost every time for my sick birds; this stuff really works!! :D



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