
Is this the one ?
@C0987, I'm still up, but about to eat dinner and just wanted to touch base and say please do not not try to tube until you talk to me. If you decide you want to tube we can start a conversation and I will guide you step-by-step through the process, just like I did for the OP of the mink thread.
I am so sorry :hugsIf you have other females please protect them we can give good advise on how to keep your drakes from not overbreeding and hopefully you’ll not have to go through this again..
While I have you guys I have some questions.
I do have two other females out with the drakes and was going to bring them inside as well. They have a little damage but are overall healthy. The other girl who was inside seems good this morning should I wait a day or so before moving the others in to make sure she too isn't sick in case it wasnt just from the mating?
I have been trying to get rid of some of the drakes for about a month now but no luck.
All of my birds are housed together I currently have no way of separating the drakes. I've read people posting about how the drakes will then mate with chickens but so far they don't seem to pay any attention to them. If I move the other females out do you think they will then try to go after the chickens?
Besides separating them what else can be done to keep them from mating too much?
While I have you guys I have some questions.
I do have two other females out with the drakes and was going to bring them inside as well. They have a little damage but are overall healthy. The other girl who was inside seems good this morning should I wait a day or so before moving the others in to make sure she too isn't sick in case it wasnt just from the mating?
I have been trying to get rid of some of the drakes for about a month now but no luck.
All of my birds are housed together I currently have no way of separating the drakes. I've read people posting about how the drakes will then mate with chickens but so far they don't seem to pay any attention to them. If I move the other females out do you think they will then try to go after the chickens?
Besides separating them what else can be done to keep them from mating too much?
@onaharley & @thumper650

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