penguin walk

  1. M

    My hen is walking like a penguin

    My hen has been walking like a penguin for the past week and hasn’t layed an egg in over 4 days I’ve been giving he warm baths and just check her vet for a stuck egg I don’t feel anything she is eating normally and pooping normally what is wrong with her?
  2. M

    Foul Pox problems

    My chicken is about 8 months old. When she was 6 months she came down with foul pox, and it hit her hard. We finally have her at a point where she can be around the other chickens, but she lost a lot of weight and can’t gain any back. She waddles and falls over often when walking. Sneezes all...
  3. C


    hi one of my beautiful isa brown rescue hens who I have had for about 18 months has been progressively getting worse all week for the last 5 days she has been walking upright like a penguin off balance with her upper legs sticking out the side. she has a pooey bum as well she inst particularly...
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