poison ivy

  1. H

    Poison Ivy on eggs?

    Some of our free range hens have laid in an area with poison ivy. I’m extremely allergic so trying to figure out how to get to the eggs is one thing but what I’m curious about is will the oil be on the eggshells and potentially transfer to people when they touch the eggs?
  2. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Acres of Poison Ivy

    Hello everyone, i have a bit of a predicament - well really I have acres of issues :lau I plan to free range my chickens but realistically we’re gonna see what happens. I’m pretty sensitive to poison ivy and really not like deadly or anything but if it touches me I’m getting it and last poison...
  3. K

    Poison Ivy around Coop

    I have lots of poison ivy plants near my chicken coop. I’m wanting to spray the plants to get rid of them since we’re working on clearing out that area (next to the coop). But if I buy and use a spray from the store... wouldn’t those chemicals hurt or kill my chickens? Just from the scent of if...
  4. SniperGoose

    How to get rid of poison ivy in enclosure?

    Around 2 years ago, we decided to fence off around an acre of wooded area behind our house for our chickens/ducks/geese to stay in during the day. The enclosure itself is surrounded by fields on all sides but one - our yard. Anyways, in the summer, obviously some weeds and whatnot start to grow...
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