#quail #help

  1. ellieV03

    How long should I keep the "parents" of the quail chicks separated?

    Hi again, So my quail just hatched four chicks a couple of days ago and they were in the cage with the parents, everything was fine, the mother was caring for them and the father was leaving them alone. Last night tho, the male first tried to mate with the female and then attacked one of the...
  2. Ravennaly

    do males fight at all?

    i’ve recently gotten some quail… i’m unsure if the males will fight over females or not. i do have two males so i’m wondering if i should split them up at some point. thank youu!! i’m pretty sure i have coturnix quail too (idk if that changes the answer or not)
  3. M

    A question about eggs

    I had someone check my quails sex a month ago and she said all 5 of them are female(Though I have my doubts because she isn’t a professional). They started laying eggs 1-2 weeks ago and after that for 3 days I would always find 1 or 2 eggs in their dust bath. Though after that they stopped...
  4. M

    Quail bumblefoot- quail newbie

    Hello. I'm new to owning both chickens and quails. So far so good. BUT...im pretty sure one of my quails has bumblefoot. (Photos below) I know you basically treat the same as chicken bumblefoot. However, I've never had to deal with chicken bumblefoot either. I've watched lots of videos ave read...
  5. Gigicoco05

    Quails and when they can go outside

    Hi, I live in California where the day temperatures are from 60-80 and night time are around 50-60. I just want to know if it’s safe for my two week old quail can go outside to explore in the grass for a little bit? Then put them in. Not long maybe like 10-20 minutes? Just something for them to...
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