
  1. CluckyMcCluckington

    Handicap Ramp for Brahma

    I have a chunky-butt Brahma rooster who likes to be on the top roost (at 5') with the ladies, but was terrified to get down in the morning. I was worried that he would injure his legs, so I built ramps going up to the roost. They work perfect. He walks up and down and now even some of the hens...
  2. Diveks

    Coop considerations for brahmas?

    Ive decided to make a new coop as my older coop was getting a bit cramped and ive noticed how it was falling apart. I have a brahma cockerel and some brahma pullets in the flock so i wanted to put their bigger bodies into consideration. I have realized that my brahmas have a problem jumping up...
  3. 2


    Hello all! So we decided to redo our coop ramp. I felt like the issue with the old one was the reason we had a bumble foot. So we made a new one, painted it with exterior paint. But now it seems too slick and my Cochin Roo will not go up or down. I literally had to carry him down this morning...
  4. S

    Quail and Ramps

    I recently acquired some coturnix quail to keep in my suburban backyard, and when doing research on housing I couldn't find much information on how quail do with double level hutches/cages. I ended up buying this rabbit hutch (Wooden Rabbit Hutch) and was worried the quail wouldn't figure out...
  5. Batacaza

    Salmon faverolles acting “off”

    Francesca is a 4 month old salmon faverolles who came to us about 2 weeks ago along with two penmates (lavender orpington and blue ameraucana) who are thriving. When she arrived she laid down in the run and wouldn’t move, appeared to be depressed, but would eat laying down. She had some mild...
  6. Grey Gables

    Roost Redo?

    Hi! I designed my coop and had someone local build it. I didn't give a ton of info/direction on the roosts, other than I wanted to be able to remove them if needed. I've known all summer that my roosts weren't exactly "right." But haven't really figured out what I want to do to fix them...
  7. DecT

    Do you need a ramp?

    what minimum hight you need to get a ramp/slope for chickens(medium bird)... hope this makes sense... MT
  8. H

    Advice on coop design and chicken training

    Hi everybody! Ive been working my way through this site for the last 3 months and have gotten TONS of great information. For that, I thank you. I'm located in Southern CA and my wife was inspired to go out and buy some chicks a couple of months ago. Instead of getting a prefabricated coop I...
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