
  1. PioneerChicks

    What Kinds of Raptors have Attacked your Poultry?

    I am wondering what kind of raptors (aka birds of prey) have attacked your poultry before. By attack I mean dive and attack (or attempt to attack) them, successful or not. Please vote on the poll and post a comment about wether the raptor caught the chicken/duck/whatever or not and (if you...
  2. Bald Eagle Adult & Immature

    Bald Eagle Adult & Immature

    Two Bald Eagles, and adult and a immature, perched in a tree. The adult is the the one with the white head on the left and the immature is all brown in the top right corner.
  3. Austin81

    Trail Cam Fun

    Hey everyone. I seen somewhere on here a trail cam photo thread where you can post your pics. I could not get enough of seeing what kind of shots everyone got. So I decided to do my own because I really do love seeming all the different kind of animal or critter pics everyone gets. So feel...
  4. Pela Phillips

    Duck Attack, No More Eggs, Molting?

    This is my first year raising ducks. I started out with four cayugas, 3 ducks and 1 drake. Last month we lost two to a coyote or neighborhood dogs. We found one dead and one had been carried away, we never found him. We had eggs for another three weeks, but we have had no eggs from the remaining...
  5. Zombieattackready

    Born with predator fear

    My pullet, Nancy, I'm guessing I'd about 6 weeks old. I got her about 1 week ago and she lives in my van with me. Whenever she sees the mockingbird outside the window she growls. How does she know this is a predator without her mom teaching her? She's a hatchery chicken.
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