rare beeds

  1. Y

    can you identify my lil red hens’ breeds?

    i got a flock of rare/standard chicks delivered, still trying to figure out what these ladies are. any ideas? i have 5 that look the exact same, although 3 have what appears to be pea combs and the others are a tad more pronounced and look like single combs. the photo above illustrates two...
  2. R


    Up for consideration: BREEDING PAIR (fully-grown/hen and rooster) of AYAM CEMANI chickens aka the rarest and most sought-after chicken in the world.! Originating in Indonesia, these show stoppers have most everything black; feathers, skin, comb to wattles, flesh, organs, and even black bones and...
  3. FaceplantAT19

    Speckled Egger?

    I've been occasionally checking the page for Cackle Hatchery's Speckled Egger for several years now and I've never actually seen them in stock. Does anyone out there actually have these chickens?? I'm starting to believe they're not real! :lol:
  4. M

    Hen with rapid weight loss

    We have a young lady who is acting normal but losing weight at an alarming rate. She seems to have really started losing weight once winter hit, we live in Canada and she is not a cold hardy breed, I’ve noticed that she has less down than most of our other birds. She a mottled Houdan, average...
  5. MeanCheek

    Pyncheon Thread

    There are a few old Pyncheon threads but here's a fresh one. Post pictures and talk about your Pyncheons!
  6. Allipockets

    Mystery Chicks

    Hello! I got some rare breed assortment from ideal poultry and I'm having difficulty identifying these. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  7. Everose

    🐇The Bunny Barn🐇

    I have four different breeds of rabbits and will be posting pics as they have babies. I will also take name suggestions and I'll be sure to post pics as they get bigger. I breed for meat, exhibition and pets. Lots of cool colors and fur types, I love finding rare colors and breeds. Here's a few...
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