shell-less egg

  1. haileyeverhart

    Shell-less Eggs

    My white leghorn hen keeps laying shell-less eggs. I give my chickens plenty of outdoor space and give them back their eggs and egg shells so no lack of calcium or protein here. Her breed is naturally skinny so I'm afraid with her laying shell less eggs at least 2-3 times a month, her nutrition...
  2. Eglanterina

    Green runny poo and shell-less egg, help!

    I just separated my two-year old girl from the flock because she was acting lethargic, not interested in treats and had green runny/foamy poop. Her crop felt empty. It's been above 80 degrees the last few days and I was worried that she was dehydrated and stressed from the heat. She's been...
  3. Lizzy456

    HELP! Ducks laying thin-shelled/shell-less eggs - 1 death

    So we have been having a problem with our ducks laying soft, thin-shelled or shell-less eggs, and we often find them broken or crushed in the coop in the morning when we let them out. We bought oyster shell to sprinkle in their regular layer feed and have been doing so for a few weeks, but their...
  4. Leihamarie

    Shell-less eggs! Heatwave or something else??

    Well... I've read about it and I've seen the pictures but this is the first time I'm experiencing the shell-less egg thing. I have 3 layers( 2 EEs & an Australorp), all still under a year old (just by about a month or two). They've been laying now for about 5 months. They've been daily layers...
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