silkie 6 weeks

  1. Gladysandfriends

    Splash Silkie Chick?

    Hey all! I have a 6 week silkie chick that I was told was a splash. (S)he has remained the same colour since I got him/her at 3 days old. When do silkie chicks start to show their splash colour? Any thoughts on gender? I know it’s still young and 50/50 at this point, but wanted to see others...
  2. A

    6 week silkie gender guesses

    I have a silkie chick that’s about 6 weeks old, I know it’s awfully soon to guess their gender but I am hopeful there may be an expert out there. We have two wyandottes as well and they were sexed as hens when we got them but of course the silkie was part of a straight run. The comb is the most...
  3. J

    Baby silkie chick has partially swollen eyelid

    I have 6 week old silkie chicks and I noticed just yesterday that one of them has a swollen upper eyelid. There isn't much swelling but I do believe it's getting worse. So far there is no signs of any serious infection, no discharge from the eyes or noes, they are sneezing but they all have been...
  4. Bubblesunrise

    Silkie chicks Roo or Pullet?

    Hi all! I had a thread earlier about the gender of my chicks. Thread 'Two 5 week silkies' Currently my chicks (named Alfredo and Katsu) are on 6 weeks old. Here is the best photo timeline I have of them so you all can watch...
  5. K

    Silkie hens or Roos

    Hi! New Silkie owner and I’ve read it’s very difficult to sex. I have 6 chicks that are 6 weeks old. I’m really hoping some are hens? Any input would be great!!
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