
  1. C

    Separate Rooster

    Has anyone ever kept a rooster completely separate from the hens? I introduced a 20 week old black Australorp rooster to my 8- 4 yo hens and he was doing great. It's been about a month he's been with them. Usually does the kittle wing dance for them to "ask permission". I have been introducing...
  2. C

    BLRW baby chick has single comb???

    25 days ago I was given 6 BLRW hatching eggs from a friend who wanted to see if the eggs were fertile,5/6 eggs were fertile. Four of the chicks hatched yesterday(day 24), but one of them has a single comb, is this normal? He had all the BLRW's in their separate breeding pen and all of them have...
  3. StopTheWorldIWantToGetOff

    Lonely hen with leaky vent - worried about introducing another

    Hi all, I'm looking for advice please. I have a lone hen who has a damaged vent and seems to leak urates causing damp messy feathers below her vent. She is otherwise healthy. She is however, IMO lonely and I would like to get her a companion but I am very worried that another hen would pick on...
  4. E

    keeping a single quail?

    Hi, everyone! I am new to the forum and I am sorry if I am not familliar with some of the rules. I wanted to ask for advice from more experienced bird keepers, and to be more precise, I am talking about Japanese quail. For around 2 years I've been taking care for two quail hens as pets. About a...
  5. H

    Single Chick Hatch

    Tips for raising a single chick? Only one of three eggs hatched and survived so now the chick is by itself. What's worse is my broody hen has rejected the chick. I can't imagine why, but she is not keeping it so I will have to raise it myself. I understand that raising a single chick is no...
  6. Age-of-Goositude

    Tempest The Broody Storm Mom

    It just hit spring time here and Tempest has laid a single egg and I put it in a little plastic kennel with some pine shavings and she wants to sit on the single egg without compiling a nest of several, she is desperate for children and here I am getting ready for us all to move in a month what...
  7. Clappmeg

    (another) silkie gender Cmb, silkie, gender, rooster,

    Hi all, So I'm going to post a few pics of my two 7.5 week old silkie chicks and I would love for you to give me your thoughts on the partridge chick! I KNOW the white chick is a roo. He's had a comb and wattles since just a few weeks old. While mama is a show quality hen (blue ribbon winner...
  8. christatothemax

    Old Barn into Coop?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post, aside from my introduction. Thank you in advance for your help in using my old barn for a coop... maybe? Pending your thoughts and advice! I am a complete newbie at this and appreciate your patience and help. I live in NW Ohio and have a fairly decent...
  9. A

    Wanted girlfriend for young lonely roo in Portland

    Someone dumped a very young rooster in my yard. Im guessing hes about 2 months old, he's kind of tall but still chirps and trills like a chick.I have no experience with juvenile chickens but so far he is very sweet very clingy very lonely . He fights and talks to himself in the mirror and will...
  10. ChickenLeg

    CRELE x BARRED Cross Mating = ??

    Hypothetical Question: I have Single Barred & Double Barred Males, as well as Barred Females. Crossed over Crele Males & Crele Females. Can I cross them, then back cross to improve the barring on the Creles? If so, what is the best cross to accomplish this? Genetics explained with genes as...
  11. GhostGirlShannon

    Single Tom Turkey

    Hello! I'm a newbie here but I have been reading your formus for a year now getting advice from a lot of you great people on how to take care of my 6 chickens. I live in Massachusetts and currently have a great 6 foot high steel chain link fence covered by chicken wire on the top. The run is 20...
  12. W

    Advice for incubating a single duck egg

    Hi everybody. I'm here looking for a bit of advice, as I'm new to this whole thing. At work today, I found a single duck egg laying on the ground, nowhere near a nest. I was going to just leave it alone, but being that I'm a huge softie for animals, I couldn't help but try to save it. After a...
  13. W

    Lonely single chick

    First of all I dont know my chicks gender, so ill be refering to the chick as him. my chick gets lonely quickly , we keep him near the varanda, he cries for people and occasionally jumps out of the basket we keep him in so we put a net over it . Usually when left alone he goes to sleep , eats or...
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