
  1. P

    Guinea Fowl not eating / sitting alot

    Hi! I have a single male fowl by the name of Junior living with my brood of chickens (8 hens + one rooster + one Jr.) right now. Recently, Junior got an eye infection from either coming into contact with something dirty or from being pecked at by the rooster, we're not too sure, and while we...
  2. lil bird lady1

    Week old chick vent swollen

    I have a straight run week old silkie with its vent swollen quite large. I haven't seen the little one use the restroom and I've been watching it. Its skin is black so I cant tell if its irritated because it cant redden. I checked on the chick around 12 this afternoon and it was fine till I came...
  3. ColleenRyan

    Will My Mallard Come Back? :(

    hi guys, I’ve already posted a few times about how my male mallard got loose at night and we found him missing Monday morning (4/9). Something had seemed to have been stealing / raging eggs I hadn’t found in our yard. We live in NJ in a suburban area and I raised three ducks together, one...
  4. C

    One Eyed Brown Leghorn Chick

    I've had this chick for roughly a week and I've noticed her right eye is missing. Her beak is fine and doesn't appear to be having any other problems, however I was hoping to get any advice on caring for her that I can. That goes for immediate or preventive action. I can post a picture of her...
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