
  1. Pine spider...or something.jpg

    Pine spider...or something.jpg

    No idea what kind of spider this is.
  2. G

    Gander ate a spider - will he be OK?

    My gander ate a spider (the long-leg small-body kind of spider). Is this something normal? Will he be OK? What should I do?
  3. C

    Spider bite?

    Hello everyone, o walked out this morning to see one of my girls laying on the ground, barley able to walk. When I looked closer her thigh was huge, a little smaller than a golf ball and hard. The skin around it was a purple pink color and she had a scab that was yellow. She showed no signs...
  4. cluckmecoop7

    Look at this spider!

    He made a web from one of my bushes to the house! He's SO big! Biggest spider I've ever seem in real life! I put a really big ant in and he wrapped it up in less than 8 seconds! Does anyone know what kind he is? He he is with the ant all wrapped up:
  5. H

    My Coop and Run

    (I didn't know what to title this) In my run I use a netting over top on 6ft fence to keep my chickens from getting out. Here recently I noticed in a few places some small spiders making webs. They weren't bugging me and they are up out of the way. I figured let bygones be bygones until today...
  6. SilkiesnFrizzle

    Showgirl with a bad spider bite!!! *Graffic Pics***

    I just took in a Showgirl hen because the owner is I'll and can't take care of her. She thinks it's a spider bite. Massive swelling, puss, some blood...it's right below the base of her head on her neck. I have Vetracycin, BlueKote, antibiotics....what should my course of treatment be? Some one...
  7. chickenreyna

    found this weird unidentified insect in my garden. help identify plz

    I have kiled one under carport and one in my garage and just ao happens i stumble across a third one in my garden. I have no clue what it is help
  8. RCAKB

    Ducks & Brown Recluses

    I recently had 3 brown recluse spiders in and around my house and I curious to know if ducks eat them. If so, is it safe for them to eat them? What if they get bit? From what I understand chickens eat them and are just fine. (Correct me if I am wrong.) I want to do my part in reducing the...
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