
  1. Soleil_A

    Very pretty laying hen!

    I sadly have to get rid of my hen. I am willing to trade, or sell. i wanted a chick. i love in white lake, michigan. she has showing potential, but i have no idea what breed she is because i got her from a auction. Her name is alfredo, or lorretta. she is very friendly and is laying once a day.
  2. Soleil_A

    Anyone have any bantams?

    I am looking for one or two couple week old ready-to-go-outside bantam pullets. I live in Detroit, Michigan. (Or to be more specific White Lake.) If you have any, please let me know! Thanks!
  3. GeoGreyWolf

    2 Drakes for 2 Females... Central, Florida

    Looking to trade 2 drakes. 1 Indian Runner and 1 Swedish both over a year old for 2 Female ducks 6 months to a little over year. Any breed mostly except Muscovy and Pekin.
  4. 1

    Will a hen recognise her chicks?

    Hi all! So I've got my first broody hen at the moment, and shes quite distressed. I own no roosters, so needless to say she isn't about to be a mummy! I've tried to break it and it worked temporarily but wore off. I will continue trying to help her but I worst comes to worst I will by a...
  5. S

    2 Barred Rock Roosters- FREE in SC

    We have two extremely docile 16 week old barred rock males looking for a home ASAP! They are fine with cats, dogs, and other chickens. We raised them from chicks so they can be handled and are friendly to humans.
  6. showmesilkies

    Summer Plant Swap/Trade

    Let's do something fun and beneficial for each other. Let's do a plant swap/trade. Rule 1. Be honest and fulfill the agreement with the other person Rule 2. Expect a fair trade. I'll start! I'm up for swapping/trading for just about anything that is not ordinary. I love cannas, Daylilies...
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