swollen ankles

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Rooster with super swollen feet/ankles and Sticktight Flea infestation

    Yesterday I noticed one of my favorite roosters was having trouble walking, so I separated him from the flock and put him in a enclosure where he could see other chickens, but be separate from them. I also found out he has slicktight flea infestation, I checked his fellow roosters and I couldn't...
  2. B

    Huge Lump/Cyst on chickens leg, another growing on her other leg. Developed a scab

    I was away for a month and came home to my rhode island red with a huge lump on her foot. It was there before I left but it didnt look very bad, and only when I have been away has it developed quite rapidly. It is also beggining to grow on her other foot. I don't think it is bumble foot as it is...
  3. 6

    Swollen Foot PLEASE SOMEONE

    My girls have always been prone to bumble foot, therefore I have treated them quite a few times. However; about 2-3 weeks ago, one of my hen’s feet were swollen. I soaked her feet in epsom salt 2xs a day for a week or so. No improvement. One of my others hens has a slightly swollen foot too…I...
  4. C


    I have visited my parents and I have noticed that one of their chickens has a swollen leg. They said they noticed it last week and have added apple cider vinegar to the water and also treated the whole leg with betadine. She is eating her laying pellets and vegetables, drinking and pooping...
  5. Mother of Chooks

    Young Rooster with Sore Feet

    Hello everyone! Recently I've been trying to track down the exact cause of a problem my young cockerel has with his feet and I've decided it might be best to get a second opinion on him. Flash is a Plymouth Rock roo of about 4 months of age who seems to be walking on the very base of his feet...
  6. DeeAnn5

    Female Coturnix swollen knees

    Today I noticed my sweet little pet has swollen ankles, looks like both hallux (thumbs) are broken also. I actually line most of the cage with newspaper and chopped grasses almost all of the time. Sad, but I feel the broken hallux are kind of inevitable for a species that lives on wire flooring...
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