
  1. havi

    Ranch Dressing

    Ingredients: 1 c. mayonnaise 1/4 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 c. sour cream 1/4 tsp. onion powder 1/2 tsp. dried chives 1/8 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. dried parsley 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper 1/2 tsp. dried dill weed Cooking Instructions In a large bowl whisk together the mayonnaise and sour cream...
  2. vfem

    Olive Oil And Basil Mayonnaise

    Ingredients: 1 egg 1/4 level tsp. mustard (dijon, yellow, whatever you want) 1 tbsp vinegar, lime juice or lemon juice 1 c. oil (extra virgin light olive oil, veggie oil, etc) 2 fresh basil leaves 1 pinch white pepper Cooking Instructions Mix all ingredients except for 3/4 cup of oil in a...
  3. greenfamilyfarms

    Happy Home

    Ingredients: 4 c. of Love 5 splashes of Hope 2 c. of Loyalty 2 bunches of Tenderness 3 c. of Forgiveness 4 qts. of Faith 1 c. of Friendship 1 whole barrel of Laughter Cooking Instructions Take Love and Loyalty, mix it thoroughly with Faith. Blend it with Tenderness, Kindness, and...
  4. ozark hen

    Egg Nests

    Ingredients: 4 eggs 4 slices bread salt & pepper Pam spray Cooking Instructions While heating your skillet, tear a large hole in the middle of your slice of bread. when skillet is hot, spray with Pam. Lay the bread in the skillet and drop an egg into the middle of the hole. Cook gently...
  5. Whirlwind

    Egg Calzone Ring

    Ingredients: 2 cans crescent rolls 8 - 12 eggs ham, bacon, sausage 1 can mushrooms 1/4 onion and green pepper Cooking Instructions Unroll crescents and place in a ring around pizza stone or pan small ends toward the outside of pan. Scramble eggs with all ingredients except cheese. You can...
  6. greenfamilyfarms

    Crockpot Apple Butter

    Ingredients: 4 lbs. unpeeled apples 2 tsp. cinnamon 3 c. sugar 1 tsp. ground cloves 2 c. apple juice 1/3 tsp. allspice Cooking Instructions Quarter apples and put in crockpot. Pour in remaining ingredients. Set crockpot on low and cook 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Remove lid last 3-4...
  7. ranchhand

    Cranberry Horseradish Dressing

    Ingredients: 2 c. raw cranberries 3/4 c. sour cream 1 small onion 2 tbsp prepared horseradish 1/2 c. white sugar 3/4 c. sour cream 2 tbsp prepared horseradish Cooking Instructions Chop cranberries and onion in food processor. Add remaining ingredients and process to mix well. Transfer to a...
  8. DuckLady

    Bob And Terries Killer Bbq Sauce

    Ingredients: 2 tbsp whole cloves 2 tbsp broken stick cinnamon 1 tbsp celery seed 3 c. white vinegar 24 lbs. ripe tomatoes 1 large onion, chopped 3/4 tsp. red pepper 1 head garlic, peeled and chopped 1 lb. pitted cherries 3 c. sugar 4 tbsp salt smoke flavoring to taste Cooking Instructions...
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