turkey eggs

  1. N

    Turkey eggs with no spots??

    Hi all! New here. I have my turkey Meg that was attacked by a neighbours dog a few nights ago, I was able to call in the vet and she’s doing good but the strangest thing happened. Her eggs no have no spots on them? Pictures below, the one with spots was laid before the attack and the 2 after...
  2. S

    What is the best Turkey breed(s) for eggs?

    Hi all, I need to get some partners for my tom, but what breed(s) of turkeys are the best layers? I really want to get either Bronzes, Narragansets and Slates, but what do you all think is the best breed for egg laying? That's what I'm going off of. Egg laying ability. Just please don't say...
  3. newturkeymama

    HELP! New turkey mama who is trying to save one egg!

    Hey y’all! So I am totally new to incubating / turkey / anything to do with eggs! I have been doing a ton of research and I am somewhat educated on the basics. So…… here’s the back story. We have a hen that laid eggs, something got her eggs. We took the last 3 and put them in the incubator. We...
  4. meepANDpeep

    How/when to add humidity to shipped eggs?

    I have 3 shipped silkie eggs and one shipped turkey egg. I let them rest for 36 hours, and they've been in the incubator since Wednesday... I didn't start turning them until Saturday and I have been turning them very gently in the upright position at a slight angle clockwise then counter...
  5. Pennys Mama

    ISO Heritage Turkey Hatching Eggs

    IN SEARCH OF Heritage Turkey Hatching Eggs! Only looking to buy a dozen eggs for incubation. Please message me.
  6. Lob21

    How to prevent racoons and other animals from getting to turkey eggs.

    Since I'm here I might as well ask this question too. My turkeys have been mating and I think my hen will have turkey babies soon! I was wondering how to keep her and the eggs safe. Their cage is made out of wood and has 2 sections, the outside one with wire roof and the "inside" one with wooden...
  7. Pennys Mama

    Fertile, developing, scrambled, or dud? Chicken, quail & turkey eggs!

    I'm looking to y'alls expertise to help me eliminate some of these eggs, & clean out the incubators so I don't have any explosions along the way. @Kiki @muddy75 @FortCluck @Nabiki @R2elk @007Sean @BantyChooks @KDOGG331 & all BYC candling experts!
  8. GW3

    Turkey eggs?

    How far along do you think this turkey egg is? We got it out of a hay field because my cousin accidentally killed it and we wanted to save its egg. It was put in the incubator on May 22
  9. A

    Incubating Blue Slate Turkey Eggs: Need Advice

    Hi everyone! I just got my first clutch of blue slate turkey eggs today and placed them in the incubator as we speak. I've read several websites regarding temperature and humidity for incubation and lockdown for turkey eggs but need much-needed advice. What is the optimal level for turkey eggs...
  10. BReeder!

    Turkey growth?

    Does anybody have pics or a source with pics of turkeys growth week by week? A chart wiith expected height and weight would be useful too. I am hatching mixed heritage eggs for the first time sourced locally from a fellow BYC member and want to get a better idea of what to expect.
  11. SuperK

    Separating Turkey breeds

    Parthenogenesis aside, Anyone know how long a bred turkey lays fertilized eggs once separated from a Tom? We have been letting all our turkeys free range together on the property but due to an incident, we need to pen them up. Since we are also starting to sell the chicks we want to separate...
  12. mmshelties

    What Color are Domestic White Turkey Eggs?

    We have one Female White and one Male Bronze turkey that are in with our chickens and ducks. I can tell she has been laying eggs by the looks of her vent shape. What do their eggs look like? I have found the last couple days huge light brownish/creamy monster eggs that are brown speckled and...
  13. G

    Turkey Hatching Eggs

    Head to my website to make an egg order. www.growinggobblers.com Sold by the dozen at $54.00 My turkey eggs will hatch after 28 days of incubation and will grow very fast. Generally, these broad-breasted type turkeys are for meat production and not keep past harvest time (20 weeks) because of...
  14. Brittwearsboots

    2 yolk fertile turkey egg

    I candled my eggs last night to check air sacs and development, and noticed what I believe to be two fertile yolks. We lost the hen to an owl almost 2 weeks ago amd it was her first and only egg of her life, and I would really hate to lose the possible poult(s). I've been doing A LOT of research...
  15. Brittwearsboots

    Help! Turkey egg...

    My hen laid an egg from her roost and it cracked the outter shell but didn't puncture the inside layer. Can I fix it to be incubated? We lost our other hen to an owl 2 weeks ago or so and I'd hate to lose any possible future poults. Also, it's the larger end that they hatch from. I wanted to...
  16. Cyprus

    Seeking Turkey candling pictures

    Hello Friends! I am currently attempting to incubate and hopefully hatch out 4 turkey eggs. These eggs are not the most ideal for hatching and this is an experiment. I have never incubated or hatched any poultry eggs before. I am looking for quality candling pictures of turkey eggs at any...
  17. Cyprus

    Mission Impossible: Turkey Eggs

    Day 1 Candling: #113 Hello, Friends! I currently work on an educational farm. A farm with many forms of livestock. One of these forms of livestock includes Turkeys. 3 hens and 2 toms housed together. On the fateful day of Saturday, May 5 2018 I got to work in the evening and found two...
  18. oregonkat

    Incubating WILD turkey eggs, need assistance please!!

    My neighbor is delivering 3 wild turkey eggs to me to incubate. Do they require different temps and humidity to chicken eggs or domestic turkey. I have not incubated turkey eggs before so any assistance would be helpful. Mother apparently abandoned the nest on account of the neighbors dog...
  19. PirateGirl

    Taste Test: eggs from different fowl, participation encouraged

    I finally got my first duck egg and I'm preparing to do a taste test and I'm proposing others join in. I plan to cook a duck egg and a chicken egg the same way and compare the two. They both have the exact same diet, so it will be interesting to see, side by side, exactly how different they...
  20. FreeBird1

    Sweetgrass Turkeys

    Hi All, I am looking for Sweetgrass Turkeys fertile eggs or poults. Does anyone know of a breeder, preferably on the west coast? Thanks in advance!
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