turkey sick

  1. PeachMyCheeks

    Royal palm turkey gasping, sneezing need help!

    My baby turkey 3-4 weeks old has been recently gasping, sneezing, and acting very lethargic. He’s a royal palm turkey, and his stool is white. Any recommendations on what to do? He doesn’t seem to be eating at all, and I had to give him food by mouth and he was able to get his energy back. I...
  2. PeachMyCheeks

    1 week old turkey gasping, and drooling?

    My 1 week old turkey chick was living with my other 1 week old baby chicks (I separated them, I'm aware now that they could get sick from chickens with Blackhead/fowl) They have been gasping, (Not for air) and slobbering. They aren't weak, but when I settle them down, they just open their...
  3. M

    Sickly turkey

    I have two Black Spanish turkeys, both are almost three months old (give or take a few days), and one of them is behaving very differently than usual. She’s moving slowly, her tail is drooping, her poop is green and white and it’s watery too. She isn’t trying to get away from me when I go to...
  4. E

    Turkey Sick???

    Hello all, My turkey Dusty has been acting strange the past few days. She is making a sound almost like an owl’s coo and seems to give up on walking around at random times to lay on the ground in a really strange position. She shudders when we try to pick her up and hold her sometimes. Other...
  5. Lisa11121968

    Sick turkey

    I have a sick turkey he started over a week ago with swollen sinuses, all other turkeys also got it the coop gave me duramycin all have been on it for a week all are all better except the one that started it I finally found some tylan but it's in a powder it says 20% rylan and it ment to be put...
  6. D

    My daughter's pet turkeys are sick

    Bare with me this had been a long day. My daughter has 2 pet turkeys. One now has an upper respiratory issue, a stuck broken blood feather that is not bleeding, and possible coccodosis. The other has coccodosis. Please tell me there is done way to save these two. She is incredibly attached and...
  7. libarena

    HELP! Sick turkey!! congested, laying down and sneezing

    I had noticed a little congestion a few days ago but didn’t think much of it and then one of our farm hands fed the birds for two days and I didn’t spend as much time with them as I usually do. When I came to check up on them, my turkey poult was laying down and obviously not feeling well. He...
  8. kobelnykmichele

    Turkey is lethargic, very warm to the touch and swollen eyes

    My 4 month old female Turkey (nargassett not sure on the spelling) within a 12 hour period has become lethargic. She can still stand but she prefers to lay down, she keeps her eyes closed and they seem swollen and watery. She doesn't have any coughing, wheezing or respiratory issues that I can...
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