
  1. Hen_Solo_AZ

    Mystery Breed

    I bought this chicken off of a craigslist add as a young pullet about 3 months ago and it has been laying pinkish-brown eggs for the last 2 months. The previous owner didn’t know the breed, so now I am asking any of you if you want to take a crack at guessing what breed/breeds this girl is. I’ll...
  2. Little Jerry Seinfeld

    Unknown breed chicks from privet

    I got some extra chicks from privet, anyone know what they are? they are not bantams. I'm just being lazy I could easily look up what chicks they carry and google! First chick Second chick:
  3. Chickenunsernam

    I have a swollen up 2-month old hen?!

    Hi everyone. So I noticed one of my chicks was looking much bigger than the others and when I grabbed her I noticed how swollen her underside, her chest, and neck were. The area feel very soft as if they are full of liquid, yet she seems absolutely fine and she's eating very well. None of the...
  4. jadie

    Toe nail mass growth?

    My one hen is about 5 or 6 years old and got bumblefoot, when I was treating it I noticed a strange growth on the bottom of her middle nail, almost the size of a small pinky nail. It seemed to bother her when I tugged at it. Not thinking I didnt take a picture and it cut at it untill it was...
  5. Quackers3211

    New Ducks, What Breed???

    I recently got some new ducks, I don’t know if anyone saw the post but they currently cannot quack as the previous owner did not properly care for them. I’m trying to figure out the breed and gender of them all as I do not need any more males. There is 8 of them and they are three months old...
  6. ChickenGeek_101

    Unknown sickness

    Hey guys so last week my dad Bought me 4 bantams two are golden sebrights and the other two are some kind of bantam not exactly sure, but anyways I was away most of Saturday and all day yesterday, they seemed fine last night but this morning when I checked on them one of the roosters wasn't as...
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