urban chicken

  1. SavageSixHomestead

    👋 from the Savage Family in SW MI

    Hi! Hello! 👋 We are brand spanking new chickrents & chiblings, here! (Only previous experience we are holding onto is that I grew up on a hobby farm in Florida for most of my childhood 😊) We have been researching and discussing how to grow our little “urban homestead” for a loooong time...
  2. Bubblesunrise

    How to build a coop (with ADHD)

    Hello! I am in need of a coop. I only have a budget of about $600 and I need advice!! My situation here is, I have 6 hens (1 silkie, 2 lavender orpingtons, 1 sapphire gem, 1 mottled Houdan, and 1 Easter egger) They are currently in a coop way too small for them and I need a new one! I’ve read...
  3. F

    Peachy Keen Place in PDX

    Hello Everyone! I haven’t started chicken keeping yet but I’m here to learn all I can. My household just moved into a new house last spring with enough space to set up the small urban homestead of my dreams. We call it Peachy Keen Place. This season we are focusing on getting our vegetable...
  4. J

    raising chicks and kids in the city

    Hello! I am officially trying to own my own chickens... but i have no idea what i am doing! I am reading a lot before our family commits. I have 2 kids ( 4year old and a 4 month old). 2 cats and 1 dog. Here are my questions 1. safety/ cleanliness: is it really that bad? is there going to be...
  5. S

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi there, New Chicken mom here. We live in NYC and after reading up on backyard chicken keeping, my husband and I decided to try our hand at raising a few. We purchased 4 Production Reds when they were 10 days old. They are now 7 weeks old. We have a coop that is designed for 4 chickens. The...
  6. G

    Noisy Hens- Advice Wanted!

    Hi all, We have been raising 4 hens since they were chicks, they are just over 6 months old now. They have recently started to lay and with that they have become quite noisy throughout the day, & it is not just the “egg-song” (please see attached video). Ever since the chicks were old enough...
  7. T

    ChickPea the magic sex-changer

    We got a batch of six chicks from a local feed store about 16 weeks ago, two RIRs, two Black Stars, and two White Rocks. We've been convinced all of them were hens until just this week, when one of our girls, ChickPea, has started acting a lot like a roo. She's started to yell, but it's more...
  8. lazylizzy

    Apple Head Farms

    Hi All! I am brand new to chickens, but absolutely loving the journey. In this Thread I hope to document the adventure that is my very first flock, and share the joy of it with others who are Chicken obsessed! My batch of chickies (as my 2yo calls them) came from Tractor Supply Company. My...
  9. S

    Selmas Roost

    Hi all, very very new to raising chickens. I have been wanting be more sustainable and to raise chickens for years. But that’s hard when you live in the city/suburbs And work full time And we don’t have a lot of room. When I retire my dream is to have a small homestead farm. I have been...
  10. RiversideChick

    Urban Coop Design - Tacoma, WA

    Just finished our urban coop for our 8 hens. Designed by my husband. Includes padlocks on the run door, nesting boxes and large door on the coop (for cleaning it out). There are 2 exterior nesting boxes. The smaller door for the hens to enter and exit their coop remains open for now - we buried...
  11. C

    The Fabryk's of Northern New Jersey

    Hi we are a family of 4 and keep a small back yard flock of 3 hens and 3 duck, we live in a suburban town that allows up to 8 hens but does not allow roosters. Our daughter, now 12 years old, has been learning about chickens for years and got her chickens a year and a half ago. She is an...
  12. corgis-con-chickems

    island chicken mama - new to BYC!

    I've always wanted chickens and this year we decided to take the chicken leap. My boo had chickens when he was younger, so he's been a good source of help. But I'm here because I could always use some more advice! We have 4 easter eggers and 2 brahma bantams (I think... they have fluffy feets)...
  13. malagabara

    Not so new but HI!

    I've been using BYC.com since 2016 when I was planning to start my flock, but I never introduced myself. I just created a new thread so in the spirit of etiquette, I'm officially introducing myself as well. I started my flock with 4 (3+spare :/) day-old Barnevelder hens in April 2017, their...
  14. CasaBlancaChickens

    Issues with Cooper’s Hawk

    Recently, all but (2) of my girls (flock of 17) abruptly stopped laying. They’ve already molted and aren’t broody. Then a couple days later I walked outside to discover a large male Cooper’s Hawk standing on top of their run. We live in the city and my birds have a large run (they do not free...
  15. U

    Portland Oregon Urban Chiclets

    Hi there, My wife and I are raising our 3rd brood of laying hens on our 10,000 sq.ft 'farm' in the city of Portland, OR. We have 4 hens: Meri- our Americauna; Aussie - our Austrailulorpe; Dotty - our Wyndote; and Del-our Delaware. Dotty currently has a prolapsed vent and possibly gleet. Happy...
  16. C

    Urban Chickens

    Hello Everyone, I found this site while doing research for my chickens. I love the site, resources and information so I figured I would join as a member. I started with Chickens just about 1 year ago. In March 2017 I picked up some chicks for the family as pets and fell in love with them. We...
  17. Tammy Lewis

    Finally found something my girls would eat

    Hey guys - just wanted to share something real quick that I thought might be helpful to any new chicken owners. My girls weren't liking anything I got for them, and I didn't know what to do. I searched and searched online, and my friend gifted me a Henny & Roo box this month, which came with...
  18. A

    Santa Clarita SoCal residents interested in changing current urban unfriendly ordinance

    Hello, Me and my kids would like to reach out to the Santa Clarita community interested in having chickens. Sadly we have unreasonable ordinance for standard urban home with a backyard and my son and myself would like to try to change chicken ordinance in Santa Clarita City to allow at least 2...
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