
  1. N

    Places where roosters can crow

    Hello all! I would like to count on your knowledge to make a list of all places in the USA where, simply put, roosters can crow. I will move to the US, and we have decided that we will only live where the roosters can crow, no invasive complaints, no irrational laws, no whatever. Anywhere, any...
  2. MysteryChicken

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    Okay, since I'm breeding my Malays next spring, & mine carry some particular traits, like short/blunt beaks, Shrimp tail, fan tail, & now just found out mine carry long tail traits too. This is GoliathThe hen he bred this year.Their son, Long. This project is pretty much straight forward. I've...
  3. Miami Leghorn

    Happy 4th Of July!

    The Reason For The Season... On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress declared that the Thirteen Colonies were no longer subject to the rule of the monarch of Britain, King George III. They would stand as a new nation, free and united from tyranical rule, where the people would govern...
  4. BookThief

    Los Lunas New Mexico chicken laws?

    I am planning on moving to Los Lunas New Mexico within 6 months to a year from now. However, I unfortunately cannot seem to find the laws regarding chickens or ducks. Would anyone happen to know any laws/regulations regarding them?
  5. orloffer


  6. Trinitydraco

    ISO Svart Hona (Sweedish Black) Hatching eggs

    I am looking for 12 svart hona hatching eggs to add to my all black flock! I already have Ayam Cemani, Black Australorp and French black copper marans! I live in VT. USA Let me know if you have any and your asking price plus shipping. Thanks!
  7. Eelantha

    Olive Eggers vs Isbars: Which Breed is Better?

    On one side we have the ultra-rare breed whose name is the Isbar, known as the only purebred and single comb chicken that lays green eggs on earth. On the other side we have Olive Eggers, known to most people as Rooster Marans x Ameraucana hen hybrids (though there are other cross varieties...
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