
  1. A

    Where to get chicks vaccinated

    where can I get pet chicks vaccinated in the UK? Every vet I’ve called has said no because they would have to order in more then they would use.
  2. theblondeangler

    Hatching Chicks

    Hi! I am sure this has been asking a bunch of times but I am attempting to hatch about 50 eggs right now. Do I need to vaccinate them and if I do, how do I go about getting medication? Thank you!
  3. CrazyChickenLady15

    Marek’s disease vaccinations

    Hello everyone, I want to raise chicks this spring to add to my flock. However I’m concerned because I lost a hen to marek’s disease this past summer. I currently have a small flock, three hens and a rooster. I rushed into them a little and got them from an unknown source (lesson learned). So...
  4. tabbitha1000

    Newly hatched vaccination schedule

    What vaccines should be given to newly hatched chicks? Also, some other clarification on vaccines? I’m in Northern Utah, while our local extension says that we don’t have wet pox in the region, we do. Over 30 customers have reported to our local IFA chicken lady, as well as vets. Our house is...
  5. TheMonroeChicks

    Don't know if week old chicks are vaccinated for Mareks

    Hello all, I bought 2, week old babies yesterday. When I asked if they were vaccinated for Mareks, they didn't know, but said they'd never had problems. Any advice on what I should do? TIA
  6. Kazzandra

    4 day old vaccinated chick from Ideal, dead from Marek's?

    So, just as it says on the tin, today I lost a 4 day old chick (with us for 24 hours-- shipping took longer than usual) from what appeared to be Marek's today. They are inside in my living room, and my flock is outside. Sanitazed cage. Vaccinated by Ideal, and not sure if they're still just...
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