weasel attack

  1. ChickenTenderKesha

    Ermine Troubles

    I had thought everything was good and dandy lately with the weasel but on my first day off everything is, in fact, not good and dandy. Seems it’s been getting hungry and the wild rabbit it had the other day wasn’t enough (I found patches of fur in the tractor shelter beside the skids of...
  2. CCinVT

    Interrupted weasel attack. Hen with swollen neck

    About 1.5hrs ago I was woken by commotion in the coop. DH went out to find weasel attacking hens. It had already gotten 3, and he interrupted it attacking a 4th. Weasel is now dead. Hen is inside. I see some minor wounds on her face. One tiny back of head puncture. The main thing is under her...
  3. johnsonfarm

    Weasel Attack

    Usually my ducks are locked up each night in their predator proof house. Tonight they wouldn't go in and I figured one night out wouldn't hurt... well I heard my ducks honking and went out to check... stupid weasel in the pen with them and two of the ducks have blood around their necks. It...
  4. N

    Baby Chicks Dead - Not Sure What Happened

    I am brand new to raising chickens. We moved to a house with 2 acres that already had a chicken coop. Since our three year old son is obsessed with animals we bought him some chickens from Tractor Supply at Easter. We bought 8. One died after a couple days and two got eaten by the dogs before we...
  5. M

    Ducks pecking on injured rouen

    I'm needing your advice. We are new duck owners and have four rouens about three months old. Two female & two males. This morning we heard loud quacking and discovered one duck missing. A tiny weasel had taken it into our woods and had its fangs wrapped aroud its neck. We scared it off and the...
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