weird egg

  1. H

    Funny egg. Veins??

    Hi all! Found one of my chook eggs looking a lil weird. Almost like veins or broken capillaries? Very strange. I have one chook who struggles with getting egg bound fairly often, could this be one of hers? Or is there something else I should be looking out for? Love my girls so much I just want...
  2. Patiocoturnix

    Brown egg

    @Oob Child @Gigachad poultry you wanted to know what the baby from the brown egg would look like here you go
  3. J

    Egg INSIDE Membrane?

    So, I have a two year-old Pekin, who laid an egg this morning and it was inside of a membrane. She is currently having issues with one of her legs, this has been ongoing for several months. The vet after several visits could not figure out why she’s having this issue, except may be neurological...
  4. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Brown, solid mass inside egg

    Hello. I was making brunch today and cracked open one of my Barred Rock's eggs to find this brown, solid, yet somewhat squishy (think the texture of a chicken liver) mass inside the egg. 3 of my hens (including this one) are older ladies so a little blood spot here and there doesn't bother...
  5. Kerya

    Strange Egg: Is it a Lash egg or something else?

    Hello everyone, my baby gal is finally of age to lay eggs. She had her first egg yesterday (at time of writing this) along with something else. The day before yesterday I noticed slight tail pumping along with slight heavy breath taking. I was worried she was egg bound or having troubles, so I...
  6. The chicken nurd

    Is it normal for an adult hen to lay tiny eggs

    I have one maybe two 1 year old hens who still lay tiny “pullet” eggs it’s not a big deal but anyone have any idea why Photos: The white hen I know lays these eggs the other two are suspects
  7. S

    Pulled a membrane from vent

    I went to check for eggs and disturbed my barred rock. When she was done I noticed a stringy thing hanging from her vent and she was struggling to get it out so I put on a glove and helped her. Yesterday she laid an egg with a thin shell and blood inside not just a speck but streaks throughout...
  8. chickenGrant

    Weird egg

    Hi, just got back from picking eggs and I got this interesting one. In one spot it has three wart type things that you can easily rub off and on the bottom there is a brownish spot the brown area is kind of cracked as well. Does anybody know anything?
  9. alknoll

    What the heck is this? Weird egg.

    I found this in the coop this morning, on top of the nesting boxes. Current situation: of my 6 hens, 4 are laying. Two EE's are freeloading, but they have both squatted, although not regularly. One squats more/longer than the other. All 4 hens laid eggs yesterday, so I have no reason to believe...
  10. CHlCKEN


    My best and most favorite hen, Joy broke an egg inside of her a week ago. After some meds to keep her from getting infected it happened again. Each time slowly the yolk would drain out of her system- but today she payed an egg shell with he insides full of blood and bloody outside. What is this...
  11. L

    Chicken inactive and a weird egg

    Yesterday one of my three chickens looked weak. She was sitting on the ground, didn't eat much, seemed to drink more water than normal, and she went to sleep a little earlier than the other chickens. I thought it could be an egg bound. This morning I found a weird egg. It's the biggest I have...
  12. CHlCKEN

    Chicken layed a small egg?

    THis morning when I collected the eggs, I discovered a tiny egg! I’m aware of fairy eggs but I think this one has a yolk since isn’t that small. I will update on that when I cram it open (probably to make a scrambled egg for my littles if it had a yolk, and feed the big girls the Shell)
  13. CannedMonster

    Strange Eggs

    My bantam Cochin is laying strange eggs. She is just over 1 year old. Her eggs have been normal until recent weeks. Now she lays a large (for her) egg with blood on it and a weird seam-like crack towards the pointy end. I can feel the crack when I run my fingernail across it. The shell is not...
  14. thecarmiearmy

    Weird Shape and Texture Egg

    Hi all, so my hens laid some weirdly shaped eggs! The second one isn't too weird to me. But the first one is WEIRD. It has shirt wrinkles and the pores are a lot more noticeable. Anyone know what it means for the hen if she lays eggs like these? Or have some similarly weird eggs to share? :p:pop
  15. cvlcite

    Weird egg??

    Hey y’all, one of my hens laid a weird looking egg, wanted to know if there’s something I should be concerned about like calcium excess or deficiency or an illness but or something?
  16. MysteryChicken

    Odd Large Silkie Egg!

    A silkie layed this odd large egg that has a weird shell pattern, & bulge on one side. It's unevenly bumpy, but very smooth. What causes this?
  17. JellyrollBrahma

    Rubbery Yolk Skin

    We cracked open an egg that was laid yesterday and there was a thick skin around the yolk. When you broke through the skin, the regular yolk came out with a glob of blood vessels. The white of the egg seemed a little weird too, but I cracked in the pan and it fell out so quickly I couldn't quite...
  18. BarryTheBold

    Strange Soft Eggs for the Month?! Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Thanks!!

    My 1.25 yr old Amerucana has been laying soft eggs for the last month or so? I feed them fermented organic grains (Scratch n Peck Layer) and they have oyster shell available. This is the second time I’ve gotten an egg like this though. With the part of a second egg attached. Is it beyond just a...
  19. chickengirl778

    Extremely weird egg, very concerned!!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) 2 year old Ameraucana, always been rather light but that's normal. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Listlessness, standing around, laying strange egg, dirty butt. Acting sleepy and...
  20. HeatherlyHash

    Multiple Slab Eggs

    Hi all! My first chickens are close to 9 months old now, and one of my hens has consistently been laying slab eggs. She is usually a daily layer, but for the past 2-3 weeks she has seemed to be skipping laying on some days and then laying 2 eggs the next day. I've gotten somewhere between 6 and...
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