
  1. L

    Sneezing and nose discharge

    Hi all! New-ish to chicken disease and am needing to nip it in the bud asap! We have a mixed flock of: Orpington, silkie, reds, leghorn, rock, ameracana, couple of mystery breeds, and turkeys plus peacock. Our silkie rooster has developed a sad crow and was sneezing and had nose discharge...
  2. Chickadee00

    Wet chickens in the rain

    Hello everyone, my silly hens love to be outside when it rains, doesn't matter if it's cold or windy, they always end up wet. Are yours like that too? Do you others even let them out into the rain? My coop isn't that big so my girls will go crazy if I don't let them out, I also have a lot of...
  3. RosyChickens

    Wet looking chicks

    Just got some silkies from a local person, they feel dry but look wet kinda a crusty thing going on The person has way too many in to small a space without sand bath. But now the 3 cuties are in a big tub with sand, water and food at night and are spending the days outside in a safe enclosure to...
  4. Gerby26

    My entire flock has wet feather?

    I have yearling muscovies and all of their oil glands just seem to not be working properly, some are partially working while two girls just are dry and have no oil at all, they have access to a full yard of grass and have fresh water to bathe in everyday. I don't know what to do about it, all I...
  5. Mrsmiller324

    Wet Silkies!

    Ok so I’m pretty new to this chicken thing - but I do understand silkies are not suppose to b wet! But what if it’s 100 degrees? We get showers/storms often, should I worry? Thanks!
  6. L

    Caring for Silkies in Cold Climate

    Hi all, Hope this finds you all well and keeping safe. We've been considering adding a few Silkies to the flock for fun, but don't want to do so if they're not going to enjoy living here, so am seeking some advice on whether the environment here is suitable. We live in Scotland (lowlands), so...
  7. First Time Chick Owner

    Rainy Days

    It has been raining on and off a few days this week and I’m starting to wonder if I should cover the coop and run. :confused: I was hoping I would have a few peoples opinions on this. Thanks!
  8. Henry&Friends

    The Mud...

    It rained for a couple of days this week. My chickens run, which consists of 80% dirt with light foliage in the very far corner. With the rain came the mud. My yard is sloped, and the run has turned to mud. If I step in the middle, I sink about a centimeter. But for like 2-3 feet around the door...
  9. My Pretty Pekins

    Wet weather help

    Hello, As many of my UK friends would agree, we're certainly experiencing plenty of rain at the moment. My chickens are getting soaked, and even during the dry days are listless with tails down. Do you think the weather could have anything to do with this, and if so, what could I do to help them?
  10. Royaly Ducked

    Anyone else's ducks scared of thunder? Is it dangerous?

    We have 4 ducks. 2 adults(4 months old): Fish and Chips, and 2 babies(1 month old): Cheese and Quackers. This morning there was a thunderstorm. I went out at 6:30am to let them out of the garden. (a 15' by 15' raised garden with fences and a kiddy pool). Fish and Chips have never flown...
  11. DarkWater1929

    EMERGENCY!! Uncinscious Hen - Have No Clue! 4 y/o Hen suddenly barely alive!

    My four year old jersey giant hen was fine, apparently, this morning. She and her flock free range all day, and I don't recall noticing her during the day. When I went to lock up, and do final bed check about 40 minutes ago, she was lying on her chest, just outside the door to the coop. She...
  12. Thechickentrainer1999

    Cold Wet Chickens help

    How cold is too cold for wet chickens from the rain at night?
  13. Age-of-Goositude

    Wet Pox

    I experienced wet Pox last summer it was tragic. I looked it up and there is literally no cure but to try to boost their immune system. I thought it was canker at first but there was yellow balls of plaque strewn down yhe back of their throat and chunks growing in their air holes. We pulled the...
  14. KindVonDerMond

    Muddy Run

    We live in a rather rainy area of the United states, and water tends to stay for a couple days after it rains. We were planning on adding soil to raise the area so water doesn't collect there. Any suggestions on soil type or irrigation systems?
  15. K

    Hardware cloth floor in Pacific Northwest?

    I'm looking at designs for chicken tractors, and want to make something mobile and suitable for laying hens which I don’t have to muck out. Does anyone have any experience in using hardware cloth floors in cold/wet climates? I’m thinking a Suscovich style tractor with a raised and enclosed...
  16. Peppercorngal

    Chickens Experienced First Rain in their Lives!

    We had our first rain in 220 days here today. My chickens had never experienced rain before. They didn't quite know what to do! It was funny to watch. When would pour down and they would run for the covered section of their run. Then, when it would lighten up, they would all come out and...
  17. animalyodelers

    Coops in wet, temperate climates? Bedding?

    I live in Washington State, not far from Puget Sound. Our microclimate tends to be a bit warmer and drier in the summer and colder and wetter in the winter than most of western WA, but overall temps are moderate and winters are mostly chilly and damp. My coop floor is concrete pavers dug in a...
  18. Puckaster

    Chicks and rain?

    My 3 chicks (10 day old) and mother hen are living in there own run with a coop/run that they sleep in on the floor. I let them out in the morning into the bigger run. Today is forecast heavy rain and I'm wondering if they will be ok. I have created a few little sheltered areas but will they...
  19. HuskerHens18

    Chilled, injured Bantam

    First problem, I was on a 6 day vacation, so I have 0 details. The person I paid to watch them claims the chicken was not in this condition the entire time, it just magically injured itself when I arrived home. This is a mix breed bantam, half RIR/Silkie, half Cochin. It is fed Medicated chick...
  20. BackyardBreakfast

    What is this? Help

    this is my "10 week old" barred rock chick (my guess is roo) it seems to have a wetness on the underside, maybe from laying in poo or is it something serious? What is your guess this is?
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