
  1. J

    Windy Conditions Outside - Are Chicken Better Off in Coop?

    It has been pretty windy and will be for another day or two (30 mph+). This is my Wife and I's first experience raising chickens. We got 4 meat birds and 4 layers at the end of May this year. We harvested 3 meat birds last month and kept 1 meat bird because she was little smaller and has the...
  2. JHH3

    How much airflow is too much? Drafty coop?

    Pardon the long winded preliminary explanation. This is my first winter having chickens and my understanding is that they're pretty cold hardy as long as their coop isn't drafty and has good ventilation in order to keep the moisture down. I bought a pre-built 8x10 chicken coop earlier this...
  3. mykel

    Looking for suggestions - moving with chickens!

    Hubby and I have had enough of the suburbs and have bought a small farm in Georgia. The move will take 10-11 hours. I have four hens going with us. I’m putting the coop on a trailer. I’m going to travel at night when the hens will most likely sleep. Do you think they would do better in their...
  4. CityslickerHomestead

    Proper Coop Ventilation for Montana

    I’m a first-time chicken owner and am in the process of building a coop. I’m hoping someone has been in a similar situation and can help. My question is, what, where, how much, and how do I adapt my coop ventilation for my 4’x8’ coop in a state that has wildly varying weather? Summers in...
  5. Kale Chips

    No Ventilation...Help!

    Hello everyone! As you can see in my profile, I am in central Wisconsin and the weather is pretty nuts! We got a bunch of snow, and today pretty much everything is closed or cancelled due to the cold. At this very moment it is -27*F but with the windchill it is around -48*F. The thermometer in...
  6. evan 66

    Will my chickens be fine in -40 degree weather?

    We have had some cold days here in Iowa lately but on Wednesdsy the low is supposed to be around -26 with windchill being I think around -40. I am really worried about my chickens and ducks. If i cover parts of the coop to protect them from from the wind I’ll the temp inside the coop be liveable...
  7. tacCab

    Hello from Central Texas

    Our family lives in Central TX and currently has 14 chickens/hens. We owned chickens for approx. five years. We own barred rocks, lacy wyndottes, americaunas, long island reds and leghorns. They free range the back fenced in yard by day and are cooped up at night. Husband mounted a coop he...
  8. Delaneygraces

    May Storm

    Yikes!! Just got a thunderstorm with some 70 mike per hour wind gusts! Nothing to badly damaged, thankfully! We have a missing hen, but for now I’m not too worried, she probally found a place to hide until it was over. I was working in the coop, to suddenly be hammered with sudden wind and rain...
  9. Chickens are the best

    How Cold is too Cold?

    it's pretty cold tonight (the low is 17) and wicked windy. I have a repurposed shed with ventilation cut into the top and 13 chickens. They all sleep on the roosting bars (except one of them, although there is plenty of room) The roosting bars are below all of the ventilation except for the west...
  10. 3bird

    One Duck Out - Ideas?

    Hi, Guys! It's been getting cold here in Maine (finally!), and being relatively new duck parents, we are of course ridiculously nervous about our feathered family and making sure we are doing right by them as winter sets in. I know, I know. Ducks have the best little down jackets, and ducks do...
  11. mueri07

    Winterizing coop

    Help please, this will be my first winter and its get cold in Nebraska. So I will start from the top, my coop is not your ordinary coop it is a shed building made out of plastic/resin material and is 4 by 6. Plenty of room for my three girls. It has one window on each side, one I cut out...
  12. chrisinloslocos

    Coop roof

    We have an open top coop that will have the roosting area covered in the winter. There is a roof or clear cover over the open top to block rain and wild animal waste from falling into the coup area. Do you think that this is ok? We live in Southern California.
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