winter eggs

  1. H

    Pullets and winter laying..

    We have 16 hens (and a rooster) - 6 barred rocks, 6 easter eggers, and 4 welsummers. They were born in August and are about 14 weeks currently if my calculations are right . . . So obviously we're not expecting any eggs yet, but are contemplating the pros and cons of adding supplemental light...
  2. Malpal55

    All year long laying?

    How can I get my birds to lay throughout winter? Is there anything I can do to help egg production in winter? What breeds are known for laying throughout winter? I have so many questions!😂
  3. Quailberries

    Pullets squawking all winter?

    My four EE pullets are showing signs of POL- squatting, rapid comb growth, egg laying song practice, it's all there. I was told they wouldn't lay until spring because of the lack of sunlight, and while I can be patient for the eggs, I REALLY can't wait for the egg laying ballad rehearsals to...
  4. iananderson

    Extended laying in winter and how to stop eggs from freezing

    Hiya and happy new year to all. Now I've always been a bit of a 'let 'em rest in the winter' kind of guy, but since our chooks stopped laying in October this year (and then moulted) and probably will not start again until March/April, I'm thinking that's a rather long holiday! After they...
  5. Big Red Roosters

    Isa Brown not laying eggs

    I have one Isa Brown, she's a sweetheart. She hasn't missed a day of laying since spring. She's about a year and a half old. I noticed for several weeks that her eggs were looking a little different, some weren't totally colored, others were a bit wrinkled, and the yolks had little red spots. I...
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