yolk sack attached

  1. The_Chicken_Tender

    Chick attached to shell - prolapsed vent??

    My third chick just hatched, but it seems like there is a cord attaching it to the shell. I removed her from the incubator and put her, still in half the egg shell, into a cup under the heat lamp. I didn't get a picture because I am worried to move her too much. Also, she seemed to have some...
  2. F

    Yolk sac or umbilical hernia? Something dangling from chick

    Hi I’ve hatched my first silky or Ayam cemani I’m not sure yet. But I found it chirping in the incubator. So when I moved it to the brother I noticed it had something dangling from his backside. I tried to read up on what this is and I don’t know if it’s a herniated umbilical cord or and an...
  3. M10lk

    Advice needed on gosling with yolk sack.

    I recently hatched out two Sebastopol goslings one completely healthy normal boy and another girl who had some difficulties. She hatched very enthusiastically completely on her own but for some reason hatched with the yolk attached, after some reading I think it may have been due to humidity...
  4. I

    Duckling yolk sac still attached

    Hi everyone! We've hatched our first duck eggs on Monday. There was one which took longer, we thought originally it was dead but it pipped eventually. It ended on that, though, so we thought we'd help him out. The egg was very dry, we must have left too much humidity out when handling his...
  5. B

    Membrane or yolk sack?? Help please

    I have a newly hatched chick (less than an hour old) that has what appears to be the yolk sack attached to its bottom. It’s completely detached from the egg and is dragging it around. It’s chirping and getting around well, I just don’t know what to do about this issue...please advice (BTW this...
  6. S

    Drying yolk sack on bottom

    Hi all, the one baby chick I had that's yolk sack was still attached is super lively and eating drinking like a champ for the last 3 days. He was the only one to hatch and is getting lonely. I have a broody buff orpington I was thinking about trying to get her to adopt since we have no rooster...
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