Duckling yolk sac still attached


In the Brooder
Oct 13, 2021
Hi everyone!

We've hatched our first duck eggs on Monday. There was one which took longer, we thought originally it was dead but it pipped eventually. It ended on that, though, so we thought we'd help him out. The egg was very dry, we must have left too much humidity out when handling his sibling (sadly of the 6 eggs we bought 3 were infertile and 1 died in the last week). We have peeled almost half of the shell away, to find that he still had a lot of yolk sack attached, so we left him sitting in the rest of the egg in the incubator, on top of some paper tissue that we kept moist. Half a day later, he was rocking around a lot and in the end he tipped himself over, so we took him out of the egg. He was still dragging his yolk behind, and it was mostly black and seemed broken, so we decided to tie it off like a human baby and cut the most of it off.

Now it's a day and a half since we helped him out (and ~20 hours since we cut the yolk off), he seems very happy, has been eating, drinking and running around with his sister (wishful thinking rather than sex knowledge, that is). However, he still has his "umbilical cord" with the piece of string is still hanging under him. Additionally, his sister has been pulling on the string/stump.

Is it going to fall off as it normally would? Should we do anything?


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    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-13 at 18.35.36.jpeg
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