
  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    The 'Welcome to Chickenlandia' thread!

    Welcome to Chickenlandia is a very beginner friendly YouTube channel and is hosted by a very sweet lady who focuses on giving you the information in a non-judgmental way. Feel free to chat Chickenlandia watchers! P.S Vega is sooooo CUTE!
  2. TimLewallen

    Two Chickens On My Street

    Do they have chicken jobs?
  3. UpstateChickenChick

    A serious case of?

    Maybe wry neck? I have done all the supplements and she’s still eating/drinking watch the video and fast forward to 3:24 to see what I am dealing with, I really need some advice as to what to do with this poor girl!! Thank you 🙏
  4. Wyndsong

    Abundance Plus app

    Anyone else joining Justin Rhodes Abundance Plus app? He's one of my favorite YouTubers and he's got almost all of my other ones making exclusive content for his app! Lots of informative videos and classes on there plus all his normal videos without ads or censorship. So far I'm loving it!
  5. B

    Add new content to LIVE Youtube Stream

    I want to thank everyone that has taken the time to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. I am looking to add a couple of cool new things to it. I am looking for suggestions from all of my chicken enthusiasts. Thank you in advanced for your input! If you would like to view the stream its...
  6. P

    When Will I... Yeah and I know this is stupid

    So I have a YouTube channel that's currently at 80 subscribers and 954 views... The question is whendo you think would it take off? Like, 2 years; 3 years; 4 years or even 5 years? It lacked supportive audiences. My dream is just to wake up one day seeing my efforts have blossomed out. I am a...
  7. guardianoftheflock

    Help! I have a request for everyone...

    Hello everyone! I watched this video last night and realized that there are other people who need to watch this. Whether you agree or not is your choice but at least take the time to watch it and mull it over. Please.
  8. JoshuaBurke

    Jesup,GA Wayne Feed & Seed, LLC (2020 chicks) new arrival

  9. Nats Chickens

    What could I do with my youtube channel?

    I have a new youtube channel with a little bit of stuff on it, but I am void of ideas. I have 8 chooks, 5 guinea pigs, 9 goldfish and a puppy who could star on it, but I don't know what to do. The web doesn't need anymore care or animal health videos than it already has, and I want to do...
  10. JoshuaBurke

    My special Duck Named Hurricane

    I bought this duck on the same day as Hurricane Dorian was headed towards Georgia. He is getting so big since I had bought him. P.S. yes I have other ducks also but they're outside I can't bring in every single duck. I hope y'all enjoy the video! :)
  11. DiYMama540

    YouTube alert!!

    Just discovered "George the Goose" on YouTube. I am so amazed and in loooove!! Look them won't be disappointed! "You betcha" :gig:drool:love
  12. Mom2g3

    Radio Show invited my chickens to their show!

    I’m excited! A local radio show has invited me to be on their show to discuss the benefits of backyard chicken keeping and want the Guests of Honor to be my chickens!!! The radio show is also video taped and put on YouTube. So....should I bring a couple of my friendliest girls? I have 4...
  13. JoshuaBurke

    Rooster welcomes himself into my house (Funny)

    I thought I might give my chicken lovers a laugh. My Rooster just welcomes his self in my house. I guess you can say he is trained. lol.
  14. JoshuaBurke

    What breed of chicken do I have?

    What breed of chicken do I have? Thanks in advance! :wee:jumpy:welcome
  15. Rondack

    My new hobby, drones

    I recently got into drone video making, I started a channel: MKurrPhoto Here are some of my best videos:
  16. SniperGoose

    If chickens could talk

  17. KaseySnow

    Punk Rock Chicken Song! Must Watch! So Funny!! XD

    I found this video buried in the vaults of YouTube and I think it is my new favorite song. I knew I had to share it here because I am sure you all can appreciate it as much as I do: ...seriously. I can't stop singing it. This video should absolutely be viral.
  18. Rondack

    Please Subscribe!

    Please subscribe to my youtube channel: My goal is 1000 subscribers.....
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