
  1. agold23

    What would you do with you and your flock/farm in a zombie apocalypse?

    Not sure if this violates BYC guidelines but oh well. I’m on season 8 of TWD and Ive watched many zombie movies of various ratings and I wonder how many homesteaders/farms would survive. My question is now, what would YOU do to protect you and your farm in an apocalypse? Farm animals and...
  2. Ginmary

    Spring and Fall thread clean-ups

    Suggestion: Twice a year we all go to our own threads and provide closure....updates, results etc. Like when someone asks for help sexing a chick and many people try to help and advise and then we never hear the end result on what the chick turned out to be. or a sick/injured chick, many...
  3. NubbyRyuu

    Zombie Goats?

    There's been this thing in the news lately spreading like wildfire called Zombie Deer Disease, aka Chronic Wasting Disease. It says only deer, elk, and moose get this, but it has me thinking. Deer and Goats are kinda similar (mostly the browsing thing), but I do get deer that travel through my...
  4. Age-of-Goositude

    Zombie Chick

    So today my Amerecauna Apple, got off her nest that was due to hatch the next couple days she left and didn't care, one pipped they were freezing, no breath, no heartbeat from what I could tell at 7AM then cause I have been moving houses and birds all day I hear peeping where I tossed the dead...
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