••• NEW BYC CHAT! Please check it out!

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I look forward to this new chat. I tried it out a few nights ago and I liked it a lot better than the old one.

I am not sure what happened here this time, but as for user hours...they can add up pretty fast.

Thanks, NIfty for spending so much time to find a safe chat that is going to be more secure.
Okie, that means that 10 people in chat for 2 hours equals 20 user hours. In a 30 day month that is 600 user hours just right there.

If chat is open all the time and say 2 people are in there at any one time 24/7 that is 48 user hours a day times 30 is 1440 user hours a month. And the chat Nifty is putting in will accomodate many more than 10 people!

It adds up quick.
Then you should get an auto log off for people that are away from keyboard. Alot of people log into chats then walk away. It would be a shame if we burned up all the BYC funds while people were busy doing chores instead of actually using the chat room.

We didn't run out of hours. I got the advanced plan to test out their service and will see how many hours we use on a daily average and decide what to do from there. This is one of the cons of an ASP (Application Service Provider) solution... if it goes down all you can do is put in a request for it to be fixed and wait.... sorta like when your phone line goes down.

I'm going to be patient with them because other ASP chat applications that tie into your database can run about $50 - $200 a month.
I tried to access chat and apparently I don't have an account... Yet here I am.
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