~°~ The Unsafe World - A Werewolf Role Play ~°~

(Like I said, totally not smiling. XD)

Tara was surprised at Hunter's overly-excited attitude, but she kept her cool. When he got down on one knee and grabbed her hands, she honestly didn't know how to react. She looked to Damian, but he was as blank as she was. So, she turned her attention back to Hunter - she figured that the polite thing to do was reply to his question.
"No, I don't have a boyfriend." She said, with very little emotion, as she slid her hands out of Hunter's. She then turned to Damian. "I'll see you in class.. and maybe after?"


Freya commented on how poor the CGI was, then reached for the bowl of popcorn; she took a handful, before sitting back in her seat.

(Isn't Ronan 22? Do 22yr olds go to class? @-@ Sorry, I don't know stuff like that. XD XD)

Peter and Paiden waved to her, grinning. "Bye!"

Hunter formed a cocky grin, "Well maybe we can do something about tha..." Damian then kicked him over off his unsteady leg. He looked at Tara, "Yeah I'll see you" he nodded.

Judith gave a nod of agreement as she was watching the movie, she was just deeply focused on the events on-screen.
Thorn slowed as he saw some Chiara flee. He focused on the rest and said, "Apologize to Eliza for your insolent insult, and I'll think about letting you leave with all your bits still attached. If not, you're ugly mugs will decorate her dining hall. Your grandeur, reduced down to cheap trophies who's only ambition is to gather dust and stare out into the room with unseeing eyes. It's your choice, so choose wisely. "

They listened to Thorn's words and quickly panicked as they rushed over to the car.
Eliza was already resting on the open window sill of the door with her head peeking out.
They collapsed to the floor as they bowed their heads, even their serpent heads and began to apologize to Eliza.
Eliza smiled as she saw them pleading for mercy.
They listened to Thorn's words and quickly panicked as they rushed over to the car.
Eliza was already resting on the open window sill of the door with her head peeking out.
They collapsed to the floor as they bowed their heads, even their serpent heads and began to apologize to Eliza.
Eliza smiled as she saw them pleading for mercy.

( XD )
Thorn flung the blood from his blades and wiped them on the fur of one of the fallen Chiara. He then sheathed both swords and looked at the spectacle they presented the Nexus.
( XD )
Thorn flung the blood from his blades and wiped them on the fur of one of the fallen Chiara. He then sheathed both swords and looked at the spectacle they presented the Nexus.

Eliza continued to watch the Chiara beg, and she grew annoyed. "Look up at me." She ordered, and they did as she said. She swiped her hand horizontally. Then immediately all of the Chiara's throats were slit and their bodies fell to the floor. She then waved at Thorn.
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Eliza continued to watch the Chiara beg, and she grew annoyed. "Look up at me." She ordered, and they did as she said. She swiped her hand horizontally. Then immediately all of the Chiara's throats were slit and their bodies fell to the floor. She then waved at Thorn.

Thorn stepped over the carnage to come to Eliza in the vehicle. As he looked down at the Chara's pure appreciation shone in his cold eyes. "Better to die fighting on your feet, then groveling on your knees." He said with disgust for the dead. He then looked to Eliza and asked, " Trophy?"

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