˜~Surviving Stiff ˜~(A gryphon RP)~ (Always Accepting!)~

" Whoah there, buddy, calm down.This is no fun and games, a Stiff wave is coming out way, and we need to fight." Anien said the the sea gryphon. He hoped the mention of Stiffs would make him more serious. Anien clocked his beak and he dove toward to the sandy shore.
" A ROCK! ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING!" Anien yellled. He couldn't believe the gryphon didn't react to the name of the hideous beasts. He riffled his feathers in anger and hissed at the sea gryphon, disappointed.
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" I don't care about any rocks. Are you ready to fight, because you came here and now theres no way of getting out of this." Anien grumbled. He saw warriors from his clan in the distance, crying to him with determined faces.
Theres only three of them, Anien thought, How could that be? WERE FIGHTING STIFFS ARE YOU CRAZY!
"Anien calm down, he has never actually seen a stiff, he doesn't know the danger that we are in." Turning to the young gryphon, "Will you help us? I do not know what signifigance this rock has, but if you help us, then i promise to help you find this rock in return."
"If you can blind them, they are much easier to kill, but it is very dangerous, because even with a small bite you will be infected. Since you are early on in training i suggest you stay close." She gave him a smile that she hoped was encouraging. What a shame it would be to lose such a young gryphon, even if he isn't perhaps the brightest.

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