ЅℋℐℙᏇℛℰℂᏦℰⅅ- A Horse Rp (Lead ranks open!!!)

Astrid stood beside Raine.
“We find them a cell to stay in and have certified doctors do check-ups on them, and have them run tests. We provide them food and water, of course, too.” Calum said thoughtfully.

Hero gasped as he was pulled beneath the water. When he came back up he felt the weight of Alhawa on his back gone. He whinnied anxiously and searched for her. Unable to find her beneath the surface of frothy water he ducked under the water. Seeing her laid on the rocky bottom of the river he pushed through the water towards her. When he reached he grabbed her man in his mouth and pulled her above water, As the water crashed against Alhawa Hero felt his grip loosen but held on to her tighter. In the distance he could see a spot were many boulders were set in a shallow area. Reaching the boulders Hero frantically reached kicked at the rocks. He cut is leg on a sharp tip but was able to grab onto a boulder and pull himself out of the water. Weakly he pulled Alhawa onto shore and laid down, exhausted.
Lady's ears perked up he she trotted to Starlight.
Raven wanted to deny, but kning she was only trying to take care of him he slowly lifted to his feet. His knees began to buckle, but he straightened then and weakly moved a foot forward. He leaned his head forward to help him balance, and keep from falling.
Star tried to help. Her worry was if the tide came in, he would be taken to sea.
Astrid stood beside Raine.


“We find them a cell to stay in and have certified doctors do check-ups on them, and have them run tests. We provide them food and water, of course, too.” Calum said thoughtfully.

(wrong rp, lol. You should check it out, It's called Hidden Nature, it's become quite a popular rp.)
Hero gasped as he was pulled beneath the water. When he came back up he felt the weight of Alhawa on his back gone. He whinnied anxiously and searched for her. Unable to find her beneath the surface of frothy water he ducked under the water. Seeing her laid on the rocky bottom of the river he pushed through the water towards her. When he reached he grabbed her man in his mouth and pulled her above water, As the water crashed against Alhawa Hero felt his grip loosen but held on to her tighter. In the distance he could see a spot were many boulders were set in a shallow area. Reaching the boulders Hero frantically reached kicked at the rocks. He cut is leg on a sharp tip but was able to grab onto a boulder and pull himself out of the water. Weakly he pulled Alhawa onto shore and laid down, exhausted.
Lady's ears perked up he she trotted to Starlight.
Raven wanted to deny, but kning she was only trying to take care of him he slowly lifted to his feet. His knees began to buckle, but he straightened then and weakly moved a foot forward. He leaned his head forward to help him balance, and keep from falling.
Star tried to help. Her worry was if the tide came in, he would be taken to sea.
Raven trudged forward, uneasy.
Hero gasped as he was pulled beneath the water. When he came back up he felt the weight of Alhawa on his back gone. He whinnied anxiously and searched for her. Unable to find her beneath the surface of frothy water he ducked under the water. Seeing her laid on the rocky bottom of the river he pushed through the water towards her. When he reached he grabbed her man in his mouth and pulled her above water, As the water crashed against Alhawa Hero felt his grip loosen but held on to her tighter. In the distance he could see a spot were many boulders were set in a shallow area. Reaching the boulders Hero frantically reached kicked at the rocks. He cut is leg on a sharp tip but was able to grab onto a boulder and pull himself out of the water. Weakly he pulled Alhawa onto shore and laid down, exhausted.

Alhawa didn't move, then awhile latter she coughed weekly and her breaths were labored and shallow. then she managed to open her eyes slightly.  
Raven perked awake and lifted his head to check on her.
Lady's ears perked up he she trotted to Starlight.

Starlight smiled at her then looked to Celeste again as the filly ran in a large circle around them
Lady reared and playfully nipped at the air.
(wrong rp, lol. You should check it out, It's called Hidden Nature, it's become quite a popular rp.)
Raven trudged forward, uneasy.
Star helped him walk until they were out of the tides reach.
Raven nuzzled her, gratefully.
Raven perked awake and lifted his head to check on her.

Lady reared and playfully nipped at the air.

Starlight reared and whinnied then looked to Celeste, who was trying to copy the adults.
Lady smiled at the filly.
Raven perked awake and lifted his head to check on her.

Alhawa managed a small laugh "you look so worried" she whispered
(I meant hero :p )
Hero snorted water from his nostrils, "It's not funny," He said sternly.

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