≈≈≈≈Life Of A Show Chicken RP!≈≈≈≈

Human Form:
Name: andy
Age: 25
Gender: dude
Personality: smart and funny
Picture/Description: blond hair, 6 ft.
Chickens: salt, pepper, and fetima
Username: and-roo
Other: is not really into chicken shows

Chicken Form:
Names: salt and pepper
Ages: ~11 months
Genders: hens
Personalities: salt: friendly, pepper: kinda shy
Breed: EEs
Adopted from: coastal farm and ranch

Owner: andy
Username: and-roo
Other: they are twins and do everything together (i hope this is fine)

Chicken Form:
Name: fetima
Age: 1.5 years
Gender: hen
Personality: shy, motherly to salt and pepper
Breed: sultan
Adopted from: craigslist!

Owner: andy
Username: and-roo
Other: is not in the chicken shows for the money.
Name: Conswala
Gender: hen
Personality: shy and slightly a scardy cat. Likes to bully younger chicks though
Breed: polish
Adopted from: hispanics down the road

Owner: ?
Username: polish
Human Form:
Name: Hope
Age: 15
Gender: f
Personality: TBR
Picture/Description: black short hair and blue eyes
Chickens: ?
Username: ChicknsRock

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