⊰• BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS •⊱ A Fantasy/Adventure RP

Faolan could feel the water in his leather laced shoes as he was pulled from the river, his gray woolen tunic and linen undershirt ripped and stained with blood, not all of it his own. He opened his hazel eyes just a little as the girl came into view, and squinted up at her, managing a slight, painful nod. Faolan tried to speak, found that he could not, and swallowed, then tried again. "F-Faolan..." He replied in a hoarse whisper, then coughed, and repeated himself, louder this time but still hoarse, "My name is Faolan."
"Faolan," she repeated the name, it sounded strange to her. "My name is Piper... here, let's get you out of here. You're going to freeze, its cold out." The spring air was not freezing as in below 0, but crisp and cool. Cold enough to catch a chill while sitting outside soaking wet.

"Hannes, help me get him up. Mr Faolan, can you walk?"

Hannes reached towards Faolan with one think arm and began hoisting the other man to his feet. "Up you come, you big fish."
"I'm not sure if my legs will hold me," Faolan replied to the girl, voice still harsh, she was right about the cold, his clothes were already cool from the water, and getter cooler with the breeze.

He tried to help himself stand as the other man hoisted him up, but him legs gave out slightly, and fell against the man. "Sorry, Hannes, I don't know how long I've been in that river..." Faolan said as he got his shaking legs back under himself, giving an apologetic smile and trying not to show just how much pain he was in.
A young woman, about 15 was riding her horse, when she noticed the commotion near the river. She pushed back her long, dark hair and turned the buckskin mare towards the trio. She was the daughter of the blacksmith in Enden, Alexis O'Shea. She often rode one or another of the horses her father shoed, tobe certain the shoes fit properly and to give the animals a workout when they were stabled for any length of time. She was wearing her riding outfit, with the hooded cloak she usually wore over it. It was a simple cloak, but warm and it kept those at a distance from guessing who she was, though she had the hood down this particular day "Hello" She called as she drew closer, frowning when she realized the stranger was soaking wet. She brought her horse close and dismounted, looking to the three and the dog, Argo "Need any help?" She asked to be polite, her hand raising to the broach that held her cloak closed, about to offer it for the man to use to keep from catching a chill in the morning air
Hannes didn't look particularly pleased to now be hugging Faolan in order to keep him upright, but he didn't let go. His ragged coat smelled of cigar smoke and old beer, and his breath much the same. "Err... easy there fella..." He looked questioningly at Piper, the logging site would be opening soon.

Thinking about how they would get Faolan to Enden, Piper was just about to say how much she wished that they had a horse when she heard the other woman approach on the buckskin mare. "Hey!" She recognized the woman from town but couldn't remember her name. "We're just looking to get to Enden, any chance you were headin' that direction and could give us a lift?"
Alexis nodded and looked to the near-drowned man "Yes, I was about to head back myself" She said. She brought her horse closer to hold her for them "Get him on and he can ride back" She added as she brought her horse to a stop near to Hannes and Faolin, holding the reins to keep her in place so they could get him on with the least trouble. She recognized Hannes and Piper from around the town. "Piper and Hanes, right?" She asked then looked to the stranger again "Who is he?" She asked, she wouldn't deny him help, but was confused as to who he was and where he came from.
Faolan watched quietly as a second woman rode up, and wasn't surprised to find that Piper and Hannes knew her, to some extent at least. He stayed quiet as they spoke, though the unfamiliar town name of Enden confused him slightly, he had never head of a town in the highlands named that, and the idea that he might not be in the highlands wasn't even plausible. It just wasn't.

Faolan's brow knitted slightly at the woman's question to the others, "My name is Faolan, Faolan Deon of Gaoithe." He answered, his voice almost back to its usual clear, youthful tone. The question of where Enden was still nagged at the back of his mind, but of course they would know of Gaoithe, it was the largest kingdom in the highlands and the only thing stopping the other kingdoms from taking their armies into the lowlands. Enden was probably just some smile town within the Gaoithe territory, nothing more.
"Gaoithe?" Alexis asked, speaking the unfamiliar name curiously. "I have never heard of that town before. You must be far from home." She said, sympathy showing in her tone. She figured that that place was somewhere across the valley or something. The thought that he was from the mountains themselves crossed her mind, but was quickly pushed away. No one lived up there
Faolan frowned slightly in confusion, how had she not heard of it? But then he gave a slight smile, trying not to show his anxiety. "The valley? I must be far, if you mean Sióg valley, but that's in the Forest of Sciatháin, which is far north of the great city of Gaoithe." He replied, speaking of more places in the highlands that they'd know nothing of, but were all too familiar to him.
Alexis just looked more confused the more places he named that she had never heard of. "I don't know any of those places Faolan" She said after listening to him. She glanced to Hannes and Piper to see if they were as confused as she was.

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