~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

Cloud sighed. "Just to get an elk?" She said. "I don't mean to question the Alphas at all, it's just a little strange that we have to ask them before we try to hunt an elk."
Stone shook his head "No, not elk, the caribou, they're the ones farther out, and they might be leaving the terrritory soon, we should ask to decide whether it's worth the risk of having at least four wolves gone for an extended period of time, with hte chance we might miss our prey." He explained.
Stone shook his head "No, not elk, the caribou, they're the ones farther out, and they might be leaving the terrritory soon, we should ask to decide whether it's worth the risk of having at least four wolves gone for an extended period of time, with hte chance we might miss our prey." He explained.

(Oops. Sorry, I got a little mixed up.)

"Of course." Cloud said. "Should we go and ask them now?"
Blaze wagged her tail once in amusement. "Thank you, Thaw, but I do not need flattery." Then turning to Hail, she said, "I was once a Loner as well. It was great... for a while." She turned and set her sharp green eyes ahead once more.

"I didn't know that was flattery..." Thaw muttered in a slightly embarrassed way.

Hail nodded slowly in appreciation of Blaze's words, "That makes sense, you once being a loner, I mean," He looked out around them as he continued, "your leadership is not forced, you are self assured instead of looking to others for approval. It's refreshing." Hail said it as if, instead of being his opinion, it was fact. He had met meny an alpha, but never one like Blaze, and he was glad of his decision to join Breezevale.
Name: Cinder
Pack: Breezevale
Rank: member
Age: (Wolves live seventeen years.) 5
Gender: Female
Personality: fiery, fierce, but if your her friend, she will stick by your side no matter what
Mate: none yet
Pups: none

History: born in the pack, but parents died
Username: FlockOfHens
Other: very good at hunting and fighting
"I didn't know that was flattery..." Thaw muttered in a slightly embarrassed way.

Hail nodded slowly in appreciation of Blaze's words, "That makes sense, you once being a loner, I mean," He looked out around them as he continued, "your leadership is not forced, you are self assured instead of looking to others for approval. It's refreshing." Hail said it as if, instead of being his opinion, it was fact. He had met meny an alpha, but never one like Blaze, and he was glad of his decision to join Breezevale.

"It's fine." Blaze said to Thaw. "I didn't mean to offend you." Keeping her eyes ahead, she contemplated Hail's words for a moment in silence. She was beginning to appreciate this new wolf. He was strong yet considerate, from what she had seen.
"We where.. Playing tag" Lynx sqeeked "and they ran out of camp!"

Silver looked at Eagle. " I don't know where to go"

North was fast asleep existed from his patrol earlier and playing with the pups.

Echo laid her head on her paws and watched the bird fly.
"We where.. Playing tag" Lynx sqeeked "and they ran out of camp!"

Silver looked at Eagle. " I don't know where to go"

North was fast asleep existed from his patrol earlier and playing with the pups.

Echo laid her head on her paws and watched the bird fly.
"North! Get up, the pups are gone!" Snow barked

Eagle caught Lynxs scent "C'mon, this way!" He yipped, and ran off

Ripple watched the bird as well "We should get back now, the pack will be looking for us."

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