~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

"It's fine." Blaze said to Thaw. "I didn't mean to offend you."  Keeping her eyes ahead, she contemplated Hail's words for a moment in silence. She was beginning to appreciate this new wolf. He was strong yet considerate, from what she had seen.

"Oh, I'm not offended, alpha." Thaw replied after a moment, trying to work out why she had thought he was offended, as usual, he was lost.

Hail walked in silence, taking in the sites and smells, content to follow for now.
"Oh, I'm not offended, alpha." Thaw replied after a moment, trying to work out why she had thought he was offended, as usual, he was lost.

Hail walked in silence, taking in the sites and smells, content to follow for now.

Blaze lead the way near the border until the group reached the river. She took one last look around, then turned and set her path for camp.
Wind stopped and howled, letting the pack know all was well, and they're returning to the camp, but there was a note of urgency, something needed to be discussed.
Blaze turned her head to look at Wind and quickened her pace. She quickly reached Wind and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Pyra stood to the back, and waited to see what Wind would say, eyes flitting to Hail every so often.

Thaw was tense with concern, and Hail, though also slightly concerned, looked relaxed and confident as usual, scanning their surroundings with keen eyes.
Balze nodded silently. "This may be part of the answer as to why food is scarce." she said. "We will have to be more careful about the elk and caribou we eat."

Wind nodded "How did your patrol go?" She asked Blaze
"Yes, I'm positive!" Eagle shouted back to her.

"The pups, they're gone!" Snow yelped once again.

"So, have you thought of any names yet?" Ripple asked, licking her stomach.

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