~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

"I don't know. Shimmer maybe... For a female." Echo said.

"should we get more Wolves to help. " North asked dashing out of the cave

Aurora jumped up.

Lynx laid down panting. Exhausted from running out.
Like guards, Hail and Thaw had followed close behind Blaze and now moved to her sides, both where impressive in size and build, and both were ready to run this newcomer off if their alpha commanded it. Though Hail was new to Breezevale, once he made up his mind, he rarely changed it, and he had decided to join the pack, so would be loyal to it and Blaze for as long as he was welcome.
(We could say she's deciding on the second beta)
Goose looked at the two large males, they were rather intimidating. But no, he wouldn't be scared off so easily "I am Goose, and I am only passing through, now I would appreciate it if you leave me to my own affairs." He stated, trying to stand as tall as his young self would allow.

Blaze looked Goose straight in the eyes. She stepped towards him sniffed his pelt. "What pack are you from?"
Goose took a step back, he wouldn't let this stranger get too close to him. "Hmph, I don't need a pack. Never have, never will." He snorted dismissively.
"Then stay out of the territory of packs, unless you're in a haste to die, it wouldn't be out of my way to assist you in that." Hail cut in, his voice cool, with a cruel and poisons under tone. He was not pleased with this young males attitude towards Blaze.

Yipe! Bird thought, Remind me not to cross him…

Snow looked at Aurora "How old are your pups?" She asked.

The fur on Goose's back rose, he knew he should probably get out of here, so he picked up his antler "Alright, have fun with being restricted to one place, seeing the same wolves, and eating the same prey in your pack." He sneered through the antler, and trotted off, disappearing into the long grass.

"Lovely disposition," Bird muttered.

Name: Locust
Pack: BreezeVale
Rank: pup
Age: (Wolves live seventeen years.) 5 months
Gender: male
Personality: kind and curious, loves to play with other pups
Mate: none
Pups: none
History: Born as a loner, and his parents died, then he ventured into the Breezevale territory.
Username: FlockOfHens
Other: none

(Accepted. He'll need a foster-parent {or two} though.)

Blaze growled slightly and turned to continue the patrol, muttering under her breath. "There's a true Loner for you." She mumbled.
Cloud walked through the mountain mist, her white fur providing the perfect camouflage. Her blue eyes eerily cut through the mist. As she headed back to her pack camp, she kept on the alert for prey or intruders.
Stone sat by the cliff edge, still watching the caribou, they were a difficut prey, if they managed to catch one or even two caribou, it would feed the pack for a few days at least. He kept an eye out for any other animals on the horizon.
Cloud silently walked up beside Stone. After a few minutes, she broke the silence. "Do you want to go for one?"

(Hey, on the charactor page, can I be in breezevale please?)

(Hang on…Which characters of yours am I missing?)

Hail nodded as he followed, "I used to be that way..." He sighed, "One day, he will realize the importance of the packs structure, that or he'll die alone."

Thaw frowned in thought as he followed, "Packs are really important, and I mean really, really important. That wolf should have begged you to let him join Breezevale, alpha."

(Hail's just full of the warm & fuzzies, huh? ;) )

Blaze wagged her tail once in amusement. "Thank you, Thaw, but I do not need flattery." Then turning to Hail, she said, "I was once a Loner as well. It was great... for a while." She turned and set her sharp green eyes ahead once more.

Stone nodded "Of course, but we'll need the alphas' approval first." He remarked.
Cloud sighed. "Just to get an elk?" She said. "I don't mean to question the Alphas at all, it's just a little strange that we have to ask them before we try to hunt an elk."
Stone shook his head "No, not elk, the caribou, they're the ones farther out, and they might be leaving the terrritory soon, we should ask to decide whether it's worth the risk of having at least four wolves gone for an extended period of time, with hte chance we might miss our prey." He explained.
(Oops. Sorry, I got a little mixed up.)

"Of course." Cloud said. "Should we go and ask them now?"
"You go ask, I'll keep an eye on the caribou." He said
Cloud nodded and sped off. When she reached camp, she trotted to the Alphas and said politely, "Stone has been watching the caribou herd, and we were wondering if we could bring a couple of wolves to hunt them."

Bracken nodded, "Of course, who were you thinking of –"

"Me!" said Garnet, hurtling into camp after her unsuccessful hunt. She'd seen the caribou, and had just heard Cloud's question – and she was not going to be left out of this.

Bracken sighed, but there was some good humor behind it. That one's always up for a hunt or a fight. "Besides Garnet, I mean."

"I didn't know that was flattery..." Thaw muttered in a slightly embarrassed way.

Hail nodded slowly in appreciation of Blaze's words, "That makes sense, you once being a loner, I mean," He looked out around them as he continued, "your leadership is not forced, you are self assured instead of looking to others for approval. It's refreshing." Hail said it as if, instead of being his opinion, it was fact. He had met meny an alpha, but never one like Blaze, and he was glad of his decision to join Breezevale.

Name: Cinder
Pack: Breezevale
Rank: member
Age: (Wolves live seventeen years.) 5
Gender: Female
Personality: fiery, fierce, but if your her friend, she will stick by your side no matter what
Mate: none yet
Pups: none
History: born in the pack, but parents died
Username: FlockOfHens
Other: very good at hunting and fighting

(Accepted. {She looks quite a bit like River. ;) })

"It's fine." Blaze said to Thaw. "I didn't mean to offend you." Keeping her eyes ahead, she contemplated Hail's words for a moment in silence. She was beginning to appreciate this new wolf. He was strong yet considerate, from what she had seen.
"Oh, I'm not offended, alpha." Thaw replied after a moment, trying to work out why she had thought he was offended, as usual, he was lost.

Hail walked in silence, taking in the sites and smells, content to follow for now.
Blaze lead the way near the border until the group reached the river. She took one last look around, then turned and set her path for camp.
Wind stopped and howled, letting the pack know all was well, and they're returning to the camp, but there was a note of urgency, something needed to be discussed.
Blaze turned her head to look at Wind and quickened her pace. She quickly reached Wind and asked, "Is something wrong?"
Pyra stood to the back, and waited to see what Wind would say, eyes flitting to Hail every so often.

Thaw was tense with concern, and Hail, though also slightly concerned, looked relaxed and confident as usual, scanning their surroundings with keen eyes.
Wind held her ears back submissively "The borders were fine, but we found a dead elk, we think it was from disease."
Wind nodded "How did your patrol go?" She asked Blaze
"Yes, I'm positive!" Eagle shouted back to her.

"The pups, they're gone!" Snow yelped once again.

"So, have you thought of any names yet?" Ripple asked, licking her stomach.
"It went well, except for a Loner that we found." Blaze replied. "He was a true Loner, not the 'I'm looking for a pack' type."

"I don't know. Shimmer maybe... For a female." Echo said.

"should we get more Wolves to help. " North asked dashing out of the cave

Aurora jumped up.

Lynx laid down panting. Exhausted from running out.

(Do you want Shimmer reserved?)
Bracken nodded, "Of course, who were you thinking of –"

"Me!" said Garnet, hurtling into camp after her unsuccessful hunt. She'd seen the caribou, and had just heard Cloud's question – and she was not going to be left out of this.

Bracken sighed, but there was some good humor behind it. That one's always up for a hunt or a fight. "Besides Garnet, I mean."
"I'll go as well." Stone said, trotting towards the alphas, his ears back as usual.
Yipe! Bird thought, Remind me not to cross him…

"Lovely disposition," Bird muttered.

(I would have to agree, don't cross Hail! :oops: )

(Accepted. He'll need a foster-parent {or two} though.)

(Don't leave that pup with Pyra! She can't stand the little things, but Thaw would be a good pup watcher, if needed.)

(Hail's just full of the warm & fuzzies, huh? ;) )

(Oh yes, lots of warm & fuzzies, in his mouth, being pulverized by his powerful jaws. :bun <<< like that bunny...)

Bird's tail wagged slowly, watching him. Thaw was a very pleasant wolf.

(ME: Bird, are you crushing on who I think you're crushing on?

BIRD: Huh?

ME: *sigh* Never mind. I'll just sit back and enjoy the show. )

(Bird and Thaw sittin' in a tree, K I S S I N–Ah, ignore that...)

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