~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

(possibly reserve shimmer. I want chickenkings input though.)


(I would have to agree, don't cross Hail!
(Don't leave that pup with Pyra! She can't stand the little things, but Thaw would be a good pup watcher, if needed.)
(Oh yes, lots of warm & fuzzies, in his mouth, being pulverized by his powerful jaws.
<<< like that bunny...)
(Bird and Thaw sittin' in a tree, K I S S I N–Ah, ignore that...)

(*sigh* Poor dear doesn't even realize she's crushing on him.)

(And my the odds, be ever in your favor!)

(Chins, up! Smiles, on! And do remember your manners!)
"It went well, except for a Loner that we found." Blaze replied. "He was a true Loner, not the 'I'm looking for a pack' type."

Hail nodded slowly in agreement, then looked up to the horizon, where storm clouds were brewing, dark and menacing as the breeze picked up to a cool wind. "Looks like a storm is coming." He said coolly as he looked to Blaze.

Thaw shook himself vigorously as the wind tickled his ears, smacking Bird on the rump with his tail by accident, and stopping immediately after, "Sorry, Bird! I didn't mean to hit you." He said, head lowered slightly and ears back, obviously embarrassed by his clumsiness.
Bracken nodded, "Of course, who were you thinking of –"

"Me!" said Garnet, hurtling into camp after her unsuccessful hunt. She'd seen the caribou, and had just heard Cloud's question – and she was not going to be left out of this.

Bracken sighed, but there was some good humor behind it. That one's always up for a hunt or a fight. "Besides Garnet, I mean."

Cloud retained her serious attitude. Turning away, she said, "Alright, then. Let's go get some caribou!"
Hail nodded slowly in agreement, then looked up to the horizon, where storm clouds were brewing, dark and menacing as the breeze picked up to a cool wind. "Looks like a storm is coming." He said coolly as he looked to Blaze.

Blaze looked to the north, no apparent anxiety showing on her face. "Well, we had better get to the dens. Are any of them in need of immediate repair?" She asked, looking around at her pack.
Blaze looked to the north, no apparent anxiety showing on her face. "Well, we had better get to the dens. Are any of them in need of immediate repair?" She asked, looking around at her pack.
Wind shook her head, then with a sudden thought she looked "Where's Locust?" She asked, concerned for her adopted pup in the storm.
"I don't know. Shimmer maybe... For a female." Echo said.

"should we get more Wolves to help. " North asked dashing out of the cave

Aurora jumped up.

Lynx laid down panting. Exhausted from running out.
"That's a pretty name." Ripple said, their fur touching.

"There's no time, let's go!" Snow dashed off, not waiting for the others.

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