~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

Wind face immediately brightened "Oh thank Silverpack you're safe, where were you?!" She yipped, a mixture of delight and scold at the same time.

(I know, she's still sad :p)


Locust shrank down and said that he wanted to be like the big wolves, and go hunting, though he hadn't known the dangers of a pup lost out of the packs territory.
Blaze sprinted back into camp. Seeing Locust, she opened her mouth and panted a few times in happiness. "Locust! Where were you?" She asked, somewhat sternly and somewhat concerned.
Locust looked up at Blaze. "I was trying to hunt..." He said, trailing off at the end.
Blaze would have chuckled (But wolves can't chuckle), but she saw Locust's sincerity her eyes softened. "We will teach you, as soon as you are ready." She said gently. "Just try to be patient, alright?"

(LOL. Have a cookie. :) )

"Well don't do that again, when the adults are gone, you stay in the den. Understand?" Wind said, with a hard stare.
"Ok." Said Locust. He lay his head down for a nap.
Wind laid down in the back of the den "Come here." She said warmly.

Bird's tail wagged rapidly when she saw the pair reunited. I want some, she thought as she trotted back to her den.

Snow trotted up to Eagle, who shrank in sight of his mothers anger "Come with me." She ordered angrily, and Eagle followed without a word, flashing a goodbye look at Silver.

Ripple yawned, and rolled over onto his stomach.

(You're in BIG trouble, young wolf! ;) )
:)P )

Blaze half-listened to Hail, observing to make sure that everyone had gotten in their dens safely. When Thaw spoke to her, she turned an ear towards him and said, "Thank you, Thaw. I will very soon. Please return to your den now."

Thaw lowered his head in obedience, "Yes alpha," He replied, then quickly returned to his den, glancing back at Blaze and Hail as he reached it, then went in.

Hail turned his head into the wind, watching as far in the distance, lightning lit the dark sky. Personally, he was not worried about the Storm, being that he had spent many a moon out in the elements, and many a moon had he been rained, snowed, and sleeted on, so it did not bother him.
Thaw lowered his head in obedience, "Yes alpha," He replied, then quickly returned to his den, glancing back at Blaze and Hail as he reached it, then went in.

Hail turned his head into the wind, watching as far in the distance, lightning lit the dark sky. Personally, he was not worried about the Storm, being that he had spent many a moon out in the elements, and many a moon had he been rained, snowed, and sleeted on, so it did not bother him.

Blaze took a quick glance at Hail, the wind ruffling her red fur, then turned and trotted into her den. She turned around three times before laying down and yawned deeply, resting her head on her paws.
((Hail has no den...))

(Oh, right!)

Blaze's mind drifted to Hail. He was strong and helpful, he would be a very beneficial member of the pack. Her eyes suddenly opened as the thought hit her: Hail didn't have a den! How stupid of me to forget! She thought. Walking out of her own den calmly, she located Hail and said a little regretfully, "I'm sorry, you should have said something about needing a den. We have an extra, if you would like."
(Oh, right!)

Blaze's mind drifted to Hail. He was strong and helpful, he would be a very beneficial member of the pack. Her eyes suddenly opened as the thought hit her: Hail didn't have a den! How stupid of me to forget! She thought. Walking out of her own den calmly, she located Hail and said a little regretfully, "I'm sorry, you should have said something about needing a den. We have an extra, if you would like."

Hail looked back to Blaze from where he had been sitting, watching the storm, "Thank you, I would, and you are right, I should have said somthing," He replied in a mild tone, not upset in any way as he stood and walked towards Blaze, "Which one is it?" He asked as he reached her.
Hail looked back to Blaze from where he had been sitting, watching the storm, "Thank you, I would, and you are right, I should have said somthing," He replied in a mild tone, not upset in any way as he stood and walked towards Blaze, "Which one is it?" He asked as he reached her.

Blaze walked towards a vacant den, hidden in a clump of tall grass. "It is right here. It's a little... unused, but it will do just fine."

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