~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

Blaze walked towards a vacant den, hidden in a clump of tall grass. "It is right here. It's a little... unused, but it will do just fine."

Hail followed Blaze, "Yes, it will. Thank you Blaze." He replied his usually smooth tone as he surveyed the den, actually pleased that it was well hidden, and he wasn't going to change it in that way.
Leap ran out of his den, and barked for Locust. Timber followed Leap and lay down, watching him.
Locust sneaked out of his den, and began to play with Leap, they were running around and tackling each other.
Hail followed Blaze, "Yes, it will. Thank you Blaze." He replied his usually smooth tone as he surveyed the den, actually pleased that it was well hidden, and he wasn't going to change it in that way.

Blaze nodded politely and returned to her den just as the storm hit with full ferocity. She sat outside and watched the jagged lightning for a few moments, then turned and settled into her den.
Stone could see the caribou, he looked to Bracken, awaiting the orders.

"Let's go," Bracken whispered.

Finally, thought Garnet. She shot forward, cutting through the air like fang through flesh.

(Thanks. A cyber cookie, I take it?)

(Here ya go:


(Is this Roleplay open to join?)


Name: Archoness.
Pack: Silentwater.
Rank: Packmember.
Age: Two.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Archoness is fairly nice, but she has a nasty streak in her, she was trained to hunt, and to fight, but she tends to go too far, she is very aggressive, and she is ruthless, sometimes surprising others, and even herself.
Mate: None.
Pups: None.
History: Archoness was found half buried in the mud by the lake, no one knows where she came from, but she grew up in Silentwater, not knowing who her parents we're.
Username: Kambodian.
Other: And we now bring you Fighting, Romance, and all in PG-13!

(Okay, so, first off: Please change the name. Secondly, please change the picture to something realistic. Thank you!)
"Let's go," Bracken whispered.

Finally, thought Garnet. She shot forward, cutting through the air like fang through flesh.

(Here ya go:



(Okay, so, first off: Please change the name. Secondly, please change the picture to something realistic. Thank you!)
Stone looked to Cloud beckoning her to follow, he trotted ahead slowly. He could see the herd not too far away, they were grazing by a river, he waited for his mate by the edge of the forest.
(Here ya go:



Stone looked to Cloud beckoning her to follow, he trotted ahead slowly. He could see the herd not too far away, they were grazing by a river, he waited for his mate by the edge of the forest.

Cloud met up with Stone and trotted alongside him, matching his pace. She sniffed the air with a certain impatience.

Cloud met up with Stone and trotted alongside him, matching his pace. She sniffed the air with a certain impatience.
Once she was beside him, he revealed his plan to her "Once we get close enough, we'll chase them into the river, hopefully we can spot a weak one, and the others are in position to strike." He finished, looking to her for a nod of approval.
Once she was beside him, he revealed his plan to her "Once we get close enough, we'll chase them into the river, hopefully we can spot a weak one, and the others are in position to strike." He finished, looking to her for a nod of approval.

Cloud silently nodded. "I will go around and intercept them, in case they spook." She said.

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