~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

As they gained on the caribou, Stone nipped at it's heels, trying to get it to trip.

Garnet leaped onto its back. It fell, along with her. Backup, please!

Name: Bingo
Pack: SilentWater
Rank: Pack Member
Age: (Wolves live seventeen years.) 5
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind, curious, but explosive, at certain times, he is a flirt
Mate: available.
Pups: none (yet, maybe)
History: born in pack, he is pretty normal
Username: FlockOfHens
Other: (none)

Name: Ford
Pack: FrostWood
Rank: Pack Member
Age: (Wolves live seventeen years.) 3
Gender: Male
Personality: usually very nice, he wants to be alpha some day, but he respects the current alpha.
Mate: none (yet)
Pups: none(yet?)
History: born in pack, picked on as a pup, but he got used to it.
Username: FlockOfHens

Name: Salam (Sal)
Pack: StormPeak
Rank: Pack Member
Age: (Wolves live seventeen years.) 3
Gender: Female
Personality: Brave, always stands up for herself, believes in justice, is nice if your nice to her, she isn't nice if you disobey the alpha or if you are mean to her.
Mate: available
Pups: none (yet)
History: joined as a pup, her parents stayed as loners.
Username: FlockOfHens
Other: none

(Please change the names of Bingo and Salam. Ford is accepted.)
Garnet leaped onto its back. It fell, along with her. Backup, please!

(Please change the names of Bingo and Salam. Ford is accepted.)
Stone leaped onto it's flank, holding it down for the others to finish it off. As it flailed, it's sharp hoof struck him on the side of the head. Stone let go for a second, but managed to grab it again holding it loosely by the skin, small droplets of blood pooling in his fur.
Stone leaped onto it's flank, holding it down for the others to finish it off. As it flailed, it's sharp hoof struck him on the side of the head. Stone let go for a second, but managed to grab it again holding it loosely by the skin, small droplets of blood pooling in his fur.

Bracken held down the head of the beast. Garnet's jaws were clamped on the its throat. Its heart pumped blood quickly, quickly into her mouth, and then it was slow…Thump thump thump thump thump, thump, thump, thump…thump…thump… And then it was still. She slowly opened her mouth and withdrew her head from the kill, licking her muzzle.
Bracken held down the head of the beast. Garnet's jaws were clamped on the its throat. Its heart pumped blood quickly, quickly into her mouth, and then it was slow…Thump thump thump thump thump, thump, thump, thump…thump…thump… And then it was still. She slowly opened her mouth and withdrew her head from the kill, licking her muzzle.
Stone looked at them "Good job." He said, his head still dripping slowly.
Aurora lay back in camp. She had Silver at her side. She was confined to the den for a week for leaving camp.

Silver lay sadly in then den. It was sooooo boring in here. Just adult Wolves. Her brother was outside with North who was teaching him how to track scents. Oh how she wished she could go.

Lynx followed the scent of the rabbit North was dragging around camp. Since the recent rain the ground was muddy making it difficult. He notice the weird print in the ground that North left behind because of his splayed paw he followed the tracks.

North knew the scent would disappear with the wetness. He hoped Lynx was smart enough to notice the tracks he had made sure to leave.

Grizzly ran through his territory. He stopped at sight of a shrew. Small but good prey. It would fill his empty stomach he ran and jumped. Catching it in between his paws. He picked the squealing shrew up and snarled it back in his powerful jaws and feasted.

Echo lay asleep beside her Mate Ripple.

Lighting ran through the fields in field Pack trying to catch a aren't.
Aurora lay back in camp. She had Silver at her side. She was confined to the den for a week for leaving camp.

Silver lay sadly in then den. It was sooooo boring in here. Just adult Wolves. Her brother was outside with North who was teaching him how to track scents. Oh how she wished she could go.

Lynx followed the scent of the rabbit North was dragging around camp. Since the recent rain the ground was muddy making it difficult. He notice the weird print in the ground that North left behind because of his splayed paw he followed the tracks.

North knew the scent would disappear with the wetness. He hoped Lynx was smart enough to notice the tracks he had made sure to leave.

Grizzly ran through his territory. He stopped at sight of a shrew. Small but good prey. It would fill his empty stomach he ran and jumped. Catching it in between his paws. He picked the squealing shrew up and snarled it back in his powerful jaws and feasted.

Echo lay asleep beside her Mate Ripple.

Lighting ran through the fields in field Pack trying to catch a aren't.

(Um…what's Lightning doing?)

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