~◊~Thereby Hangs a Tail – RP~◊~

(yeah and who do you have and in what packs?)

(Yeep, let's see, I have…)

(In Stormpeak: Bracken, Mirage (open), Garnet, Wisp.)

(In Frostwood: Hemlock (open), Thistle (open).)

(In Silentwater: Pitch (open), Briar (open).)

(In Breezevale: Bird (open).)

(Loners: River (open), Venom.)


North stopped catching his breathe after running from the pup. Next thing he knew he felt a small force hit him.

"gotcha" Lynx squeeled. "Your dead!" he ran around in circles bouncing.


GRIZ saw Briar and walked over. "hey"

echo walked over to the other Wolves. She saw Pitch and walked over.

(Loner in Breeze vale territory)
Lightning sniffed looking for food.

North stopped catching his breathe after running from the pup. Next thing he knew he felt a small force hit him.

"gotcha" Lynx squeeled. "Your dead!" he ran around in circles bouncing.


GRIZ saw Briar and walked over. "hey"

echo walked over to the other Wolves. She saw Pitch and walked over.

(Loner in Breeze vale territory)
Lightning sniffed looking for food.

Briar looked up. Her tail wagged very slightly. "Hi Griz. How are you?"


Pitch lowered his head slightly, "Hello Echo."
"Hungery" he snorted. "but good" he said.. Griz shook his dark brown fur and laid down.

Echo dipped her head to Pitch. It was rare for her to speak to pack members but since she had been expecting she had started to seek other Pack members. She wanted company. "Pitch" she said. "How are u fairing?"
"Hungery" he snorted. "but good" he said.. Griz shook his dark brown fur and laid down.

Echo dipped her head to Pitch. It was rare for her to speak to pack members but since she had been expecting she had started to seek other Pack members. She wanted company. "Pitch" she said. "How are u fairing?"

"Aren't we all," Briar muttered. She stretched her back legs luxuriously.


"Very well," Pitch replied, "and you?"
Grizzly admired her beautiful white coat. She was beautiful. He douted a wolf like her could ever like a goof ball like him.

Echo laid down. "Pretty good." she said
Grizzly admired her beautiful white coat. She was beautiful. He douted a wolf like her could ever like a goof ball like him.

Echo laid down. "Pretty good." she said

Briar cocked her head, "Well, since we're both hungry, would you like to hunt?"


"I heard you and Ripple are planning on pups," Pitch prompted. Instinct and experience told him that Echo would likely want to talk about her expected pups.

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