☼◄☼► "The Official Warriors CHAT and RP Thread ►☼◄☼

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im not posting then... whoops... i posted...
I read the books WAY back (6 or so years ago) so I dont quite remember all the details, hence I am winging it. Please ignore the plot errors, its short and sweet seeing as the RP on this site is mostly painfully short and uneventful.

Character Ref:
Name: Timpani
Physical Appearance:

Age: Adult, 4 years
Clan: Thunder
Personality: Calm and level headed Timpani remains as stone, the binding force within the clan; the mortar if you will. She has a welcoming personality and in her down time is often found lounging on a low hanging branch near the elder’s area listening to the tales of the past. Timpani is a gifted fisher, and contributes to the clan by fishing in the nearby creek. However, she is instinctively drawn to River clan and her loyalty is beginning to flake. The future weeks will test her clan bonds and determine her true spirit.
Bio: Simple, born and raised in Thunder clan; pretty placid thus far.
Could I join?

Are we going to make all new clan members? Or play the ones that are created already?

Oh, and it would be easier if we only roleplayed one clan, or it has been in the past for me (I've done warrior roleplays before). Sorry if it seems like i'm trying to take control.
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