~♦~The Wings of War~♦~ A Corvid Bird RP- Anyone can join!(Please read title post for more info!)

Name: It's Topaz, but she doesn't tell people, for security's sake. Often she simply has herself addressed as "Magpie".
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Species: Black-billed Magpie
Personality: Spunky, not afraid to con, has a good moral compass but often needs to be pushed to use it, quick to make (usually accurate) judgements based on appearances, good at reading others expressions and body language, loud-mouthed, has a lot of sass, claustrophobic.
Kingdom: Magpie Tiding
Rank: Citizen
Mate: None yet.
History: She's a traveler, but a loyal citizen of the Tiding and will do (and has done) spy work for it. She's grown great at gleaning information over the years. She doesn't really have a family, so she's not tied down to anyone or thing.

Weapon of choice: Battle claws.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Frost
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Crow
Personality: Antisocial, uncomfortable in a crowd, shy, a nice guy deep down but wants privacy.
Kingdom: Crow Empire (He's on the outskirts.)
Rank: Citizen
Mate: None.
History: Besides being an natural introvert, being leucistic made him extra shy. Now he lives on the outskirts of the Empire, but isn't exactly a loner.

Weapon of choice: Longbow.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Bryn
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Species: Crow
Personality: Sharp, can come off as harsh sometimes, brutally honest.
Kingdom: Crow Empire
Rank: Citizen
Mate: None yet.
History: Lived an average life, really. She's met Corvo a few times and thought he seemed like a good enough guy so…She'll track him down and find out the truth. She's blunt that way.

Weapon of choice: Shortsword.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Apollo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Raven
Personality: Cold, ruthless, manipulative, conniving.
Kingdom: Raven Tribe
Rank: Sage
Mate: None.
History: Has a (secret) history of using his position to get what he wants.

Weapon of choice:
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Flash
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Species: Raven
Personality: Total goof. But clever. Very friendly, and mostly just wants to have a good time.
Kingdom: None.
Rank: Loner
Mate: None yet.
History: Born a loner, lived a loner. The end.

Weapon of choice: Shortsword.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Petrichor
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Azure Magpie
Personality: Wise, usually makes good decisions, thinks before acting, fair but very firm. Don't cross him.
Kingdom: Magpie Tiding
Rank: Council
Mate: (I'll make one sometime…)
Chicks: (Others can make these. I might. :p)
History: Was actually kind of crazy as a kid.

Weapon of choice: A long, thick knife.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Mink
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Species: Siberian Jay
Personality: Social but doesn't go around just making friends, show-offish, loud, likes being the center of attention.
Kingdom: None
Rank: Loner
Mate: None yet.
History: Travels a lot.

Weapon of choice: Battle claws.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Name: It's Topaz, but she doesn't tell people, for security's sake. Often she simply has herself addressed as "Magpie".
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Species: Black-billed Magpie
Personality: Spunky, not afraid to con, has a good moral compass but often needs to be pushed to use it, quick to make (usually accurate) judgements based on appearances, good at reading others expressions and body language, loud-mouthed, has a lot of sass, claustrophobic.
Kingdom: Magpie Tiding
Rank: Citizen
Mate: None yet.
History: She's a traveler, but a loyal citizen of the Tiding and will do (and has done) spy work for it. She's grown great at gleaning information over the years. She doesn't really have a family, so she's not tied down to anyone or thing.

Weapon of choice: Battle claws.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Frost
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Crow
Personality: Antisocial, uncomfortable in a crowd, shy, a nice guy deep down but wants privacy.
Kingdom: Crow Empire (He's on the outskirts.)
Rank: Citizen
Mate: None.
History: Besides being an natural introvert, being leucistic made him extra shy. Now he lives on the outskirts of the Empire, but isn't exactly a loner.

Weapon of choice: Longbow.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Bryn
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Species: Crow
Personality: Sharp, can come off as harsh sometimes, brutally honest.
Kingdom: Crow Empire
Rank: Citizen
Mate: None yet.
History: Lived an average life, really. She's met Corvo a few times and thought he seemed like a good enough guy so…She'll track him down and find out the truth. She's blunt that way.

Weapon of choice: Shortsword.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Apollo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Raven
Personality: Cold, ruthless, manipulative, conniving.
Kingdom: Raven Tribe
Rank: Sage
Mate: None.
History: Has a (secret) history of using his position to get what he wants.

Weapon of choice:
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Flash
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Species: Raven
Personality: Total goof. But clever. Very friendly, and mostly just wants to have a good time.
Kingdom: None.
Rank: Loner
Mate: None yet.
History: Born a loner, lived a loner. The end.

Weapon of choice: Shortsword.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Petrichor
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Azure Magpie
Personality: Wise, usually makes good decisions, thinks before acting, fair but very firm. Don't cross him.
Kingdom: Magpie Tiding
Rank: Council
Mate: (I'll make one sometime…)
Chicks: (Others can make these. I might. :p)
History: Was actually kind of crazy as a kid.

Weapon of choice: A long, thick knife.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Name: Mink
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Species: Siberian Jay
Personality: Social but doesn't go around just making friends, show-offish, loud, likes being the center of attention.
Kingdom: None
Rank: Loner
Mate: None yet.
History: Travels a lot.

Weapon of choice: Battle claws.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
(All accepted, awesome!)
Name: Gronk
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Rook
Personality: Very sagelike, he's quiet, kind and very into scrolls, he is one of the wisest sages in the empire
Kingdom: Crow Empire
Rank: Sage
Mate: none
Chicks: none:
History: He has been a sage for most of his life, and is very loyal to the Empire

Weapon of choice(If Leader, General, Warrior, loner, or Citizen Soldier):
Username: The ChickenKing
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):

Name: Rufo
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Rufous Treepie
Personality: usually calm, friendly, sneaky, and will do certain things to get what he wants, he can be a pretty shady character sometimes
Kingdom: Magpie Tiding
Rank: Citizen
Mate: none yet
Chicks: none
History: Pretty normal, nothing special

Weapon of choice(If Leader, General, Warrior, loner, or Citizen Soldier): keeps a dagger with him
Username:The ChickenKing
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):

Name: Strigimore
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Species: Large spotted nutcracker
Personality: Hyper, paranoid, always watching his back for danger, not very welcoming to strangers, he's always convinced the ravens are coming to kill him
Kingdom: Jay Volery
Rank: Citizen
Mate: None
Chicks: None
History: Pretty normal, but ever since news of the Ravens recent attacks he's become even more paranoid, so he's moved deeper into the kingdom

Weapon of choice(If Leader, General, Warrior, loner, or Citizen Soldier): he keeps a shortsword, though he's not very good with it
Username: The ChickenKing
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):

Name: Blade
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Species: Western jackdaw
Personality: Ruthless,bold, a fearsome warrior and very good fighter, he is always looking for his next victim, and is very aggressive, with him it's swing first, ask questions later
Kingdom: The Bonelands
Rank: Covey leader
Mate: None
Chicks: None
History: Unknown, just that he leads a covey of other fearsome Jackdaw bandits

Weapon of choice(If Leader, General, Warrior, loner, or Citizen Soldier): Longsword
Username: The ChickenKing
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):

Name: Violet
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Species: Bluejay
Personality: Kind and sweet, she is very caring and is always looking out for others, she is very loyal to her mate, she is also very understanding and forgiving
Kingdom: Jay Volery
Rank: Leader
Mate: Dash
Chicks: two eggs, close to hatching
History: She was born to a good family who had connections to the previous leaders, when she was 4 she met Dash and they immediately became mates, since he was the leaders oldest son, tthey were moved into the position rather quickly.

Weapon of choice(If Leader, General, Warrior, loner, or Citizen Soldier): A very long dagger
Username: The ChickenKing
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):
Last edited:
Name: Tito
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Species: Yellow billed blue magpie
Personality: Intellegent and level headed, he is an expierienced council member, he does what is best for the kingdom
Kingdom: Magpie Tiding
Rank: Council
Mate: None
Chicks: None
History: He was a member of the Senate until he was voted into the Council six years ago

Weapon of choice: A shortsword and boomstick
Username: The ChickenKing
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):
Personality:brave,foolish at times,a bit of a loner
Kingdom:Magpie tiding
History:always in the magpie tiding (might get captured later by the jackdaws

Weapon of choice:Daggar
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):
Personality:brave,foolish at times,a bit of a loner
Kingdom:Magpie tiding
History:always in the magpie tiding (might get captured later by the jackdaws;) )
Weapon of choice:Daggar
Other(State if Citizen Soldier):

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