~♦~The Wings of War~♦~ A Corvid Bird RP- Anyone can join!(Please read title post for more info!)

(The setting is early morning in the middle of April, the Corvids go by the same months and days as us, just for addeed convenience. Hrere we go!)

Crow Empire:

Gronk sat in his library, looking through his extensive collection of scrolls, recipes, articles, and encyclopedias for one specific manuscript.

Raven Tribe:

Gund sat on his throne, planning where his next raid should be, he was contemplating attacking the Jays, or maybe the Crows. Yes, he would show them who had the power now.

Jay Volery:

Violet sat on her clutch, they were only a few days from hatching, and she couldn't have been happier. Dash and her had been mates for a long timme, and now they would finally be parents.

Indigo sat on his perch in the old beech, watching the stream run it's course over the land. He was rather happy with his peaceful life. For now.

Strigimore made his breakfast from some mashed berries and acorns, muttering to himself about the ravens and their iminent attack on the jays, if anything happened, he would be ready.

Magpe Tiding:

Tito flew through the woods, on his way to the council tree, a large sycamore with twisted branches that overlooked a river, the council was meeting to discuss the Ravens.

Ranger led the new recruits on a fly march, "One, two, one two three!" He shrilly cawed, timing the flaps in a sort of melody.

Rufo flew slowly through the Main Grove, where most of the citizens resided, a number of traders were selling wares and crafts of varying needs and desires.


Corvo sat alone under a log, foraging for anything edible, long gone were the days of luxury and placent laziness, ever since his ecape from the Great Oak, he was constantly watching his back for any of his brothers corvids.
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(The setting is early morning in the middle of April, the Corvids go by the same months and days as us, just for addeed convenience. Hrere we go)


Corvo sat alone under a log, foraging for anything edible, long gone were the days of luxury and placent laziness, ever since his ecape from the Great Oak, he was constantly watching his back for any of his brothers men.

Tamara was perched in a dead tree surveying the land. She noticed movement below her and with curiosity, flew in a little closer silently.
Crow Empire:

"Hey, hey!!!" Dimmet yelled, starting his morning routine of screaming and hollering at anyone in site, and banging against the cell bars, "Anyone?! I want food, don't you feed corvids around here?! AHHH!"

Raven Tribe:

Brumal looked off into the distance, perched atop a jagged rock, hard faced and deep in thought.

"Brumal, come in, I have breakfast made." Cinereal called up to her mate from their home, watching him as the wind howled through the mountains.

Brumal looked over to her, then glanced out over the lands once more, then spread his wings and flew to Cinereal, landing a few feet away from her. "Thank you, Cine," he replied, and followed her inside.

(What are their building like?)
Crow Empire:

"Hey, hey!!!" Dimmet yelled, starting his morning routine of screaming and hollering at anyone in site, and banging against the cell bars, "Anyone?! I want food, don't you feed corvids around here?! AHHH!"

Raven Tribe:

Brumal looked off into the distance, perched atop a jagged rock, hard faced and deep in thought.

"Brumal, come in, I have breakfast made." Cinereal called up to her mate from their home, watching him as the wind howled through the mountains.

Brumal looked over to her, then glanced out over the lands once more, then spread his wings and flew to Cinereal, landing a few feet away from her. "Thank you, Cine," he replied, and followed her inside.

(What are their building like?)
(The ravens live in mountain passages and stuff like that, that have been carved out with their pickaxes)

Crow Empire:

A guard walked over to his cell "Shut up in there, you'll get your food soon enough maggot!" And sauntered away.
Magpe Tiding:

Slate was already hard at work, preparing herbs to be dried, pressing oils, and grinding seeds and things. He was enjoying being alone, but he knew that anyone, at anytime, could come into his apothecary and interrupt that. But he didn't mind terribly, if someone needed his help, he would be more than ready and willing to assist.
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